Chapter 11: Huntress

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The deer was a few feet away. Only a couple more paw steps and she would be able to strike. She controlled her breathing to where she had calmed. The thrill of the hunt had gotten to her, and she needed to get it together before she blew the entire thing. Ventus, give me the swiftness for this hunt, she prayed.

The jaguar crept closer to her prey, keeping an eye on anything else that could interrupt her hunt. She tiptoed over twigs and leaves. This patch of open space in the Deep Forest was rare, and the sunlight added the perfect touch for a habitat for lilies. And lilies were her favorite prey's favorite food: deer.

She got so close that she was sure the deer would've smelled her by now. But no; she was downwind. Mother taught me that, she thought smugly. She stifled a laugh before the deer could look up. When it did, it looked right at her. They stared at each other for a while. Then the deer bolted. "Bull dung," she muttered under her breath as she hared off after it. The deer ran in between trees and vines, and she chased it all the while.

Ha! I've got you now! She was right behind it. All she had to do was reach out and trip it. But she didn't get the chance.

Suddenly another jaguar came racing in from the left, and tried to take over the chase. The nerve of this guy! She thought with disgust. She sped up, pushing her body to the limits. She had caught up with the unknown jaguar and was racing head to head with him. Great Jaguar Gods this male is fast, she thought breathlessly. She wouldn't be able to keep this up, and she didn't want to let this male be able to steal her catch from her.

She flicked out a paw in front of him and he tripped. But he didn't go down alone; he had the same idea. He dug his claws into her tail and dragged her down with him. They both skidded on the ground and gazed after the deer, dismayed.

Then she remembered this jaguar tried to steal it from her. She jumped up and spun around. Too late. He had already gotten up and was haring towards her. He knocked her over and pinned her down, keeping his paw on her throat. At this angle, she got a clear look at him. And she loved it.

He had beautiful amber eyes. They were so deep she could stare into them and get lost for days. She looked down his sides and marveled at how his muscles rippled underneath his pelt. His voice was even better than she could've imagined.

"Why is a female like you living in a place like this?" He asked in a husky voice.  Is he flirting with me...? She thought hopefully. "And please don't think I'm flirting with you. It's just that most jaguars don't live in the Deep Forest," he said, getting off of her. He seated a few centimeters away and started washing his paws. Well great, she sighed.

"Might I ask, if it's not too personal, aren't you in heat?" His question surprised her. She looked at him in shock. How had he'd known? He was looking at her with a mixture of emotions. Curiosity, disgust, desire... The last one sent shivers down her back. She cleared her throat and straightened up. "Yes. I just turned two and half. My mother shooed me out of the den weeks ago," she said, hiding her shaky voice as much as she could.

He smiled. "Well, I just turned two and a half as well," he answered. "My mother practically threw us out of he den a couple weeks ago," he said. "'Us?'" She asked, tilting her head. "My brother and I," he replied, continuing to wash himself. So, is his brother as attractive as him? She wondered with a smirk.

"What are you smirking about? As I recall it was you who lost your catch," he smirked. She scoffed out of disbelief. "Okay, listen here. It was not me who barged in on my hunt!" And more quietly she added, "and I was smirking at something entirely different."

"Mm hmm," he said, getting up. He started to circle her. She got very nervous and self-conscious as his eyes scanned every inch of her pelt. She calmed herself and closed her eyes, waiting for him to mate with her. She started to smile.

"Hey! Quit using the fact that you're in heat to distract me," he said calmly. He stopped circling and laid down. He then began to roll around on the ground. She felt like she'd just been kicked in the gut. He doesn't want to mate? What's he playing at?

"Why didn't you mate with me?" She asked, almost embarrassed. "I'm in heat, so isn't that supposed to make males go crazy?" I'm supposed to be getting cubs here!

He gave out a disgusted chuckle. "Well, aren't you a brat?" He said. WHAT?!

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"You heard me. Unlike you, I don't jump into being mated with someone. We don't even know what each others' names are. And you expect me to father your cubs already? Ha! Not happening sister," he laughed. He turned, his back facing her. "Besides. There's someone waiting for me; back in the exterior of the forest. I can't leave her for very long. My brother will get to her before I do, and he'll steal her from me!!!" He yelled, and started to race away.

"Wait!" She ran after him. She didn't want to lose him. Not now, not like this. She couldn't stand the idea that he thought she was a brat. She wanted to make him at least change his mind. She caught up with him, and he stopped. She skidded to a halt in front of him. "Look, I'm sorry. But I want to come with you. I won't hold me being in heat over your head. I won't. I promise. Just- just let me come with you," she begged, gasping for breath.

He looked at her. He studied her for what seemed like hours. Finally he said, "I'm Snake."

Smiling, she said, "I'm Asteria."

Snake started to walk away. He pushed past her. Defeat flew over her like the strongest wind. Great, Asteria. You really blew it, she thought with a sigh.

"Hey, Asteria! Come on! I want to gain some distance before it gets dark!" Snake called. Hope flared up in her chest. Asteria bounded to him and walked by his side, studying all the while.

Suddenly, a wave of jealousy flew over her. Who was this other female? Was she prettier than Asteria? And if she was, would Snake forget about her completely? Well, let's just see if this female's any better than I am, she thought smugly.

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