Chapter 15: Tensions Skyrocket Like Ignis' Volcano

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It had been 3 days since Leru and Vine had found each other again, and the situation couldn't have been any more awkward.

They were both walking side by side in amongst the trees. They were trying to track deer, but the situation wasn't helping. Vine had to control himself; her heat scent was overwhelming. Thorn had told Vine and Snake how intoxicating females smelled to males when they were in heat, but he had never anticipated this. He loved it and hated it at the same time. Snake would be going crazy, Vine thought about his brother with less self-control.

Pushing his brother to the back of his mind, Vine scented the air. Deer! He thought triumphantly.

"There's a large herd near here," Vine said to Leru. He sniffed again. "They're north of here."

"Okay nice. What's our plan?" Leru asked, looking at him expectantly.

Vine's thoughts scrambled. A plan? Did she always have a plan when she went out hunting? He thought. "Umm, I've always just kinda winged it," Vine admitted shyly.

Leru giggled. "No wonder you're so skinny," she said in a teasing tone. She nudged his shoulder and raced in the direction of the herd. Vine chuckled and followed.

They had found the herd and worked as a team to bring an old deer down. Vine had bitten one of its legs to keep it from going anywhere. Therefore, it was Leru's job to finish it. As she delivered the killing bite, her thoughts flashed briefly back to the old deer who had spared her life when she was a cub. But she went through with the kill, and thanked Ventus and Ignis for their giving Vine and her the strength and swiftness to catch it.

Vine was panting by the time the deer had stopped twitching. Leru was breathing heavily, trying to not look weak in front of Vine.

He internally chuckled. She cares so much about her appearance. Doesn't she already know that she doesn't have to do that with me? He wondered. But then it hit him: he hadn't told her he loved her. If now wasn't the best time to tell her, there'd never be another time like this again. He walked over to Leru, practicing what he was going to say in his mind. Leru was standing at the deer's neck, plucking out the fur in order to open the kill up.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye. Oh Great Jaguar Gods, he's coming over here...! She thought happily. Wait, why am I happy...? She wondered. Finally, she came to terms with it. It's no use. I can't hide it any longer, she thought, laughing internally.

I'm in love with Vine.

Vine strutted up to Leru. He looked tough and composed, but on the inside, he was shaking and panicking. He took a deep breath.

Vine cleared his throat. "Leru...? Um... Can I...Can I ask y-you something?" Every word was a struggle to get out. His throat was bone-dry.

Leru was panicking. Hearing his voice alone made her heart quicken. "Yes, Vine?"

Oh Great Jaguar Gods! Why is she making this so difficult?! She's probably not even trying! Vine was shaking. He dug his claws into the earth, hoping to steady himself. He was afraid his heart would burst out of his chest.

"Um....H-how do you f-feel about m-m-me...?" Vine stammered. He braced himself for the impending doom that was Leru's rejection. If she were to turn him down, he hoped that she wouldn't choose Snake. Anyone but my brother, Vine frantically thought.

Leru frantically searched for the right words. How did she feel about him? What should she say? That he meant the world to her? That she was willing to start over and forgive him? That she could get lost in his eyes just from a single glance? What do I do?!

Leru took a deep breath. "Vine, I..."

Oh Great Jaguar Gods. Here it comes. Vine dug his claws into the ground deeper.


Vine broke a sweat. He was trembling. What? Please, just say it! He silently begged her.

"................I love you."

Vine froze. Leru froze. Why doesn't he say anything? Please, say something, she begged silently.

To her surprise Vine lunged forward and nuzzled her shoulder. He couldn't take it anymore. He pinned her down. Her scent filled his nose, consumed his thoughts. Leru looked up at him, with surprise, excitement, and.... Desire.

That set Vine off. "I love you, too, Leru," he said in a husky voice. That set Leru off, as well. She flipped him over to where she pinned him down. He chuckled and she laughed. "Great Jaguar Gods, I'll never get tired of hearing you laugh," he teased. He turned the tables again. Her eyes were so beautiful, he could get lost in them with one look.

"And I'll never get tired of you teasing me," she laughed.

"GET OFF OF HER!!!" A voice yelled.

Suddenly, Vine was tackled off of Leru and to the ground. Leru sprung up. A female jaguar ran up to her side. The unknown jaguar seemed to look Leru from head to tail tip. Was that a smirk she saw? A snort she heard? She couldn't tell, because she was mesmerized by this female's ice-blue eyes. They seemed to pierce into Leru's soul.

"So. You're the albino," she said in a disgusted voice. She turned her gaze from Leru to the two males tussling on the ground. Vine was fighting off the other male, who was fighting viciously. He looks familiar... Leru thought. Wait. No! It's Snake!

Snake was in a blind rage. He couldn't see anything, except red. He couldn't think of anything, except that he wanted to kill his brother.

Vine was dodging blows left and right. He'd never seen Snake fight like this before. He's mad. I mean mad mad, Vine thought.

Suddenly, Snake was lifted off of Vine and flung backwards to the left. He landed on the ground with a thud. Asteria ran towards him immediately. The force of the landing made Snake lose his breath. He struggled to stand, while Asteria growled at his attacker.

"How dare you?! He's trying to protect you!!!" She yelled. He looked up through the dust in his eyes and was horrified by what he saw.

Leru was standing between the two brothers. She was guarding Vine. She was looking at Snake and Asteria with such hostility that it made Snake sick. He'd never wanted to see her look at him like that.

Snake struggled to get up. Asteria offered her help, and he took it. Once up, he shook out his pelt and took a battle stance. Vine stood up from behind Leru, as well, and glared at his younger brother.

Asteria growled out of frustration. But that wasn't the only emotion she was feeling. Jealousy, rage, irritation, and a mixture of other emotions seethed inside of her. Can't this fool see that Snake did that for her?! She couldn't believe this oh-so-special Leru that Snake had been mooning over for the past couple of days would just up and dump him five minutes in. She crouched and pounced. I'll make her pay for her stupidity!

Before she could reach the albino, she was swatted out of the air. She landed in the ground in front of Leru, but in front of Leru was Vine.

"Vine!!! What in the all the stars are you doing?!" Snake yelled.

"Leave us alone, Snake! I love her!" Vine yelled back.

Snake snorted. "Really? Does she feel the same way?!" He gestured to Leru, obviously joking and didn't expect her to say anything back.

But Leru was having none of it.

"Yes, Snake! I do! I love him!" Leru yelled.

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