Chapter 6: Vine's POV

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Great Jaguar Gods, what do I do?!

That was a question I often asked myself tonight. And it was mostly while I was around her. She made me so confused, but I loved it.

Gods, she was beautiful. There was no creature in the entire forest who could be this beautiful. No. In the world this beautiful. Why was he acting like this?! His mother would kill him for even thinking thoughts about her.

Oh Leru. If only you could see, I don't hate you. I never did. I was.....jealous.

I was jealous of an albino. I thought they have a perfect life, when now I realize they live a doomed one. But to think Leru was doomed.... I scolded myself for even thinking something like that.

Was she really worried about my mother? Thorn? The jaguar who'd nearly arranged a mating between the two of us? Would......would she have grown to love me like Mother said? Leru seemed like the kind of jaguar that would sacrifice her own happiness for someone else. She had already caught a toucan for us. But that was 5 months ago.... And would she have sacrificed her own happiness for me?

Ugh how he'd messed up every chance he's ever had with her as a cub. He was so disrespectful to her! And he was too prideful to even apologize. But he had all of tonight to make up for it. The scorpion was a lucky break he'd come across when they were walking. But he couldn't show his intentions yet. Not just yet. And it hurt him to not come right out and spill his heart out for her. Her first suitor, he thought with a disgusted chuckle.

She shone like a star that fell from the sky. Her eyes sent shivers down my spine every time she met my gaze, and it took everything I had to not run up to her and tell her I loved her.

I loved her.

That's something I never thought I'd think, let alone say. I was always joking about her being my mate, when really I'd love nothing more than to be promised to this beautiful creature standing in front of me. Why does she have to make this so tough?

Whether she hates me or not, I will be there for her. I love her. I will tell her. Soon.

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