Chapter 14: Jealousy Burns Like a Flame

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Snake walked with determination, with Asteria trailing behind him. She had been having trouble keeping up with his fast pace at first, but now she was used to it. Asteria had tried to keep a conversation with him going, but his answers were always so short.

They stopped for a rest. Asteria had offered to hunt, so she had. And she brought back a deer. She and Snake feasted silently, the awkwardness growing between them. It's like he doesn't feel it at all! Asteria frowned at the fact that the awkwardness was only bothering her. She tried her luck again with a conversation.

"So, what were you doing again in the Deep Forest?" Asteria asked.

Snake was busy washing his paws. "I already told you. I had been searching the Deep Forest for the past few days looking for someone, but she wasn't there," Snake told Asteria, with a sad look on his face. Asteria snorted. "But I found you." Snake concluded with a glance at Asteria.

Well, who's this 'she' he keeps speaking of? Asteria wondered, jealousy sweeping over her like a cloud. "Who was it that you were looking for?" She asked in the sweetest voice she could muster.

"Her name is Leru. She's an albino," Snake told her, looking dreamily up at the sky.

Asteria almost fell over from the shock. An albino?! How am I going to compete with that?! Her thoughts scrambled. "Oh really? An albino, huh? What's the big deal about an albino, anyway?" Asteria asked, trying to keep her anger and disgust hidden as much as she could.

Snake chuckled wryly. "Jealous much?"

That shut her up. She'd never heard anyone call her jealous. But I guess I am jealous now, she realized. "You didn't answer my question," Asteria told him, sounding more irritated than she really was.

"Being an albino is an honor!" Snake yelled. He stood up, making Asteria shrink back. "The Great Jaguar Gods were all albinos! Leru is an honor and a beauty and you'd be lucky to even get to lay eyes on her!" He raised his voice as Snake stomped toward Asteria. Asteria bowed her head in submission. She was so scared that he would lash out at her.

Snake sighed. He shook his head and scooted back a little bit. Asteria let out a sigh of relief and straightened back up. "Look, I'm sorry. It's just that I love her so much that I can barely stand it," he apologized while looking at his paws.

Oh great. Now I have to hear a love confession. I should be the one receiving it...! Asteria thought with extreme jealousy. She was aware of how her jealousy was burning like a wildfire in her chest, but she didn't care. Snake will be mine. This 'Leru', who's so special, can just find herself another mate! She yelled it over and over inside her mind. She'd need a plan to help her win Snake over... In the meantime she'd have to listen to him moon over someone else.

Snake obviously couldn't tell what she was thinking, so he kept reminiscing about Leru. "Her eyes are like two of the most beautiful passion flowers you've ever seen. Her pelt makes her shine like a star fallen from the sky itself." Asteria was trying to be as supportive as she could, but it still hurt to have to listen to Snake talk about Leru right in front of her. It only made her more determined to win him over. Soon, he'll be talking like this about me, she thought with a smirk.

"Leru's voice is as smooth as the wind on a summer breeze. It seems to blow over you so gently and carry you up into the air. In other words, peaceful," Snake sighed, smiling.

"Oh really? What else can you tell me about her?" Asteria feigned a smile.

Snake chuckled. "Well, she's also the kindest jaguar I know. The first time she and I met, she was 2 weeks old and I was 6 and a half months old. My family and I were starving. And when we met Leru and her family, she snuck away and caught a toucan. We thought she would just eat it right then and there, but no. Leru brought it over and gave it to us. I remember the pity on her face and in her eyes.... It seemed as though she empathized with us. I remember right then and there, that that was when I fell in love with her. I was so disappointed when we had to leave. And then I found out that it was because my mother had tried to arrange a mating between my brother, Vine, and Leru."

"What? She and your brother were to be mates?" Well well well. There's a light at the end of this tunnel, Asteria thought hopefully.

"Yeah well, Leru's mother didn't want it, so my mother got mad and made us leave. I guess I resented my brother for a little while cause he would've been mates with her, even though he didn't know about the possible arrangement, either. But what really made me mad was when Mother told us, and Vine was relieved that Leru wouldn't be his mate. The nerve! He should've been grateful to have been considered as a mate for her! She's an albino! Now he expects her to forgive him for being such a jerk to her. I will not stand by and let him continue to be a jerk to her," Snake growled. He started to paw the ground. He stopped and slumped with a defeated sigh. "I just hope she sees what I have to offer. Vine has everything: he's the oldest, he's strong, and he's smart. And me?" He laughed wryly. "I'm only the youngest. What could Leru possibly see in me?" He asked Asteria. He laid down, with his head on his paws.

Asteria was speechless. How could this outstanding male be so self-conscious about this one female? She must be special, she thought. But now's my chance to get some serious points here!

Asteria bent down and met his defeated gaze. "Look Snake. I know we just met, and we aren't really friends, but can I give you some advice?" She asked gently. This was a sensitive topic for him apparently, and she didn't want him to explode again.

"Sure. I sure as Umbra's Kingdom need some," Snake answered, muffled.

"Look. You are one of the most outstanding jaguars that I've ever met. I think that if she doesn't see your worth, then you shouldn't pursue her. You want Leru to be happy, don't you?" Asteria asked.

Snake nodded solemnly.

"Well then. You let her be with the male that she wants. And if you keep treating her like a queen, always pampering and worshipping her, she's gonna get bratty and spoiled. You don't want to ruin such a good catch, apparently," Asteria said. She tried to hide the disgust in her voice as much as she could.

Snake stood up. "Thank you, Asteria. I needed that. And you gave just the advice I needed. Look, let's keep going for a couple more hours and when the sun sets, we'll go to sleep," he said.

Asteria nodded. They both started to walk. Asteria was getting used to the usual silence when she felt Snake nuzzle her shoulder. Shocked, she looked straight into his beautiful amber eyes. "And who says you're not my friend?" He asked playfully. He bounded away. And she followed, chasing him and laughing all the while.

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