Chapter 34: The Dress

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***This is a pretty short chapter, but I promise I have more ready that I'll put up pretty soon. I'm really excited for what will happen in about six or so chapters, so be ready! I'll try to get the next chapter up this weekend because I think it's kind of cute, but anyway, enjoy!***

After making our way back to the castle with a still sleeping Roland, we settled down in my room. I settled myself into a tall-backed chair with cushions that were the perfect level of comfort. Robin tucked Roland into his crib and then collapsed onto the bed.

A sudden reminder flashed across my mind. I had been supposed to find a dress to wear to the wedding. I tried to reason with myself. I could do that tomorrow... but after a minute of that, I forced myself up again and walked over to my closet.

"What are you up to now?" Robin asked from his place on the bed.

"I'm trying on dresses for Snow." I told him. "Do you want to help?"

He considered it for a moment and then answered.

"I really don't think I wear the same dress size as Snow." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "I need to find a dress to wear to the wedding." I clarified. "Would you help me decide which one to wear?"

He chuckled. "Alright, I think I might be able to pull that off."

I shook my head, laughing silently as I went through my dresses.

The colors and jewels blurred together and I took a deep breath, trying to find something that looked right. Of course, the problem was, I didn't know what "right" would look like.

My gaze landed on a red velvet dress, crested by dark jewels around the swooping collar. I pulled it out and held it up to myself in the mirror. Using magic, I flicked my wrist and in an instant, I had it on.

I turned around in the mirror, looking at it from the side. It was almost perfect. I tried to think about what could change.

As soon as I looked, I found it. It was too dark. The jewels were practically black. With another whisk of my hand the black jewels were crystal and silver. I smiled at the mirror. The dress would be perfect. The glassy jewels shimmered in the dim light, illuminating the fabric.

I turned and walked out to Robin.

"What do you think of this one?" I asked.

He sat up enough to see.

"Any dress you show me will look beautiful on you." He swooned.

I sighed, smiling. He was a guy, what made me think he had any fashion sense at all? I had better go find Snow.

I walked toward the door.

"Where are you going now?" He asked, hinting that he wanted me here.

"I need to find Snow." I told him, ignoring his pleading look.

I opened the door to find Snow standing there, about to knock. Startled that she was already there, I responded sharply to her presence.

"Don't you dare knock! You'll wake Roland up." I whispered furiously.

She looked slightly taken aback by my order, but she lowered her hand obediently and recovered from her surprise quickly.

"That dress looks amazing!" She exclaimed as I let her into the room. "Did you decide on that one for the wedding?"

I smiled. "Yes, I think so."

"Great! It will be perfect." She told me, sounding thoroughly excited.

"So, what did you want?" I asked, knowing that she wasn't that excited about my dress, after all, it wasn't really that exciting.

"Oh, I just wanted to give you this." She said, handing me a sheet of parchment.

I scanned the page. It seemed to be a list of dishes.

"I was hoping you could copy it for the cooks tomorrow." She stated, the question in her tone.

"Okay, yeah, sure, I'll do that first thing in the morning." I told her.

"Awesome! Thanks so much!" She thanked me overenthusiastically.

I raised my eyebrows, knowing full well why she was so excited at the moment. "So, only ten days left until the wedding now." I commented. "You must be very excited."

She smiled and nodded. "I can't wait!" Her face fell slightly. "But there is so much to do before then...well, I better get going, I still have lots to do before bed."

She turned on her heel and rushed out the door.

"She's going to be exhausted by the time the wedding rolls around." I said to Robin. "I'm tired, and I haven't even been doing anything."

He let out a short laugh and nodded a bit in agreement, even though he had seemed to be asleep.

I put the paper on my desk and laid down beside him. I was forced to get back up soon after I laid down because I was falling asleep in the dress. I quickly changed into my nightgown and got back into bed, finding that Robin had changed as well. Settling my head in the crook of his neck and laying one arm on top of him, I fell asleep. How was it that I could spend the whole day napping and still end up exhausted?

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