Chapter 31: Light

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***This chapter might be one of my favorites I've written. It's short but I love it anyway. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did!***

As Robin and I stood in the dark night, gazing into each other's eyes only by the light of the moon and the stars above, something happened. I hadn't expected it to happen this way, but I guess I hadn't really considered how it would happen at all.

A deep bound sensation flew between us, much like it had before, drawing us into a kiss. It pulled us closer until there was no space left in between us. It was the same as before, yet entirely different. We had a newfound understanding for each other that made the bond between us deeper and stronger. I hadn't thought that was possible, but somehow it was. The deep passion wound around us like a rope tying us tighter together. Our love ran between us like our veins were connected, our hearts beating to the same rhythm. The stars spun around overhead like pixie dust swirling and sparkling in the wind. Faster, faster, closer, closer. It was just me and him. Nothing else mattered. It all felt like a dream.
We both awoke out of our daze with a start as a spark lit up between us.

A bright flash illuminating the blackness. It seemed to be the true nature of light itself. So bright we were both blinded, clinging to each other in shock.

My hand was hot, burning from the flash. It was as if a fire had just ignited my hand, though not a real fire. What was that feeling? I knew it somehow. It was so familiar yet foreign. Something I'd known forever yet had just now experienced for the first time. A sensation warm and tingling. I couldn't quite place it. Where had I felt this before?

It came to me as the glow faded from my blinded vision, the stars now back in the sky where they belonged.

I gasped. Whether it was from the shock of the incident or the revelation of what it was, I couldn't be sure. I looked Robin straight in the eyes, jaw hanging half open, not quite recovered from the surprise.

"What was that?" He asked, his sapphire eyes seeming twice as large as before as he searched my face for an answer, hoping I knew what had just happened.

"Magic." I whispered, a smile spreading across my face as I realized the significance.

My magic was back! Although there was something different about it now. It was brighter, warmer, softer. Instead of feeling like hitting someone, it felt like a strong, powerful hug. It was light magic. How did it happen? I asked myself. I hadn't even thought about it for days and it came when I was least expecting it. I answered my own question simply.


If dark magic came through hate, the most intense hatred you could imagine, then there was only one explanation for how light magic worked. That was love. The purest, most true love. The kind of love Robin and I had. The love that comes from deep inside you. I understood it in an instant, and although it was the opposite of the magic I'd always used, the control of it came naturally.

A smile grew over his face and he pulled me close again. Our faces were centimeters from touching and our noses softly brushed each others, sending a warm tingle through my body.

I tilted my head up to his and our lips met perfectly, this time we weren't interrupted by any light shows, but instead the kiss lasted as long as it was meant to last. Our feelings stayed the same, a deep love and understanding. As if we had always been two stars, circling around each other, becoming closer with every orbit until we became one, collided in a burst of light and become something even greater than before. Always destined to be together, to become one. It didn't matter when, it didn't matter how, but I knew for a fact that it was always supposed to be this way.

Us. Together. Always.

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