Chapter 22: Interrupted

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I had never fallen back to sleep but I was stirred out of my dazing state in the morning by Roland beginning to whimper and cry.

I sighed and pulled off the covers. I slipped my hands under Roland's back and pulled him into my arms. I barely started to rock him before I seemingly knew what he wanted. He was hungry. It was like a sixth sense telling me what he needed and making me so natural with this child, like I'd always been meant to be a mother. I set him back down in his crib and went to find the jar of milk Robin had left with me. After a quick search around my room, I found the items I was looking for and went back to Roland. I dipped a small cloth into the warm milk to allow him to suck it like he would with his mother. I lifted him out of the cradle and into my lap, pressing the wet cloth to his lips.almost immediately he began to suckle on it and his cries faded. Milk began to drizzle down his chin and I wiped it off with the sleeve of my nightgown.

I heard a soft knock on the door after Roland had finished eating.

"Regina, may I come in?" I heard Robin's easily recognizable accent.

"Of course. One second, I'll get the door." I told him, jumping up to unlock it for him, Roland in one arm.

I smiled as I opened the door to his face. He embraced me, careful not to squish Roland.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked me after a long hug.

I sighed. "I didn't."

He looked concerned. "It wasn't Roland was it?" He asked worriedly.

"No, he was great." I smiled but a concerned look remained on his face. "I just couldn't keep my mind off of everything..."

I glanced to the side and back up at Robin's face. "Hopefully you slept better than I did." I said, looking at Robin for a response.

He sighed as well. "Not much actually." He told me honestly.

He looked into my eyes and brushed my cheek softly with the back of his hand. "I couldn't keep my mind off of you." He told me.

I smiled and our lips met softly before we remembered that Roland was still in between us.

"Has he been fed yet this morning?" Robin asked me.

I nodded. "Yah, I just fed him." I said, smiling down at the baby I held.

He nodded, petting Roland's thin fuzz of dark hair before looking back up at me.

We walked over to the bed and I laid Roland down so it was just Robin and I.

I turned back to face him. He put his hands around my waist and we immediately embraced in a kiss. Our kisses grew more passionate and he backed me to the edge of the bed. I could tell where this was heading but I trusted Robin and I let myself relax into his arms. His kisses moved down my neck and I tilted back my head, my long hair falling down my back. I wrapped my arms around him and his hand slipped to the sleeve of my nightgown, gently nudging it off of my shoulder. Our love for each other pulsed through our veins, leaving us feeling like we couldn't get enough of each other.

All in a matter of seconds, the moment changed.

There was a soft knock on the door, followed by a voice.

"Regina? Are you in here?" It was Snow's voice.

I didn't have time to think before he door was open and Snow stepped inside.

Robin shifted uneasily as all of us froze in place. I stood up slowly from my leaned back position on the bed and Robin took a step back out of my way. I pulled my nightgown back onto my shoulder and ran a hand over my hair, trying to smooth it down.

Snow just stood there in the doorway, shocked.

I wasn't sure how to respond to the situation and I glanced around awkwardly. I cleared my throat.

"Umm..." I started but trailed off, trying to think of something to say but nothing came to mind.

Snow dropped her eyes to her feet. "Well I just came to ask if you were coming down for breakfast so..." She cast a glance up. "I'll just leave you two..." She backed into the door frame with a soft thunk. "I'm just gonna go." She turned and hurried out the door, closing it quickly behind her.

I turned to Robin with a concerned look.

"What? Is she as bad of a gossip as Little John?" He joked after a moment.

I gave a soft laugh. "Worse. She can't keep a secret for her life." He laughed back and brushed a curl of hair from my face.

"So...breakfast?" He asked.

I smiled and shrugged. "Well she'll probably tell everyone what's happening if we don't make it down there, just let me get ready."

I went to my closet while Robin busied himself. I chose a silvery laced dress and slipped it on. I kept my long hair down and brushed it out so that it flowed down my back in smooth waves. I put on simple diamond earrings and a small necklace that matched. I put a light layer of makeup and went back over to Robin. He'd swaddled Roland to go down with us. His hair was combed so that it didn't stick up in every direction anymore. He didn't have new clothes to change into--I'd have to see about getting that taken care of--but he had smoothed out the wrinkles as best as he could.

He looked up at me with a smile and I smiled back.

"Are you ready?" He asked me and I responded with a nod.

We shared a quick kiss before heading down for breakfast..

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