Chapter 16: Riding and Remembering

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I blinked my eyes open to the bright light pouring in through the window. I smiled as I remembered what had happened. Last night had been perfect.

After we'd finished our drinks, Robin had pulled me back into his lap where I'd fallen asleep. He must have brought me to bed after I'd fallen asleep, seeing as how I was in a bed now. He was such a gentleman.

I sat up and pulled my legs out from under the covers, swinging them over the edge of the bed.

Robin had also cleaned up the room. The rug was back where it had started and the glasses and half empty bottle had been placed on a table on the far side of the room.
I walked over to the door connecting our rooms and cracked it open to see if Robin was awake yet.

I couldn't make him out from the doorway so I stepped in and moved over to the bed. Now it was pretty clear he had just been hidden from my view by the covers. I sat down quietly on the edge of the bed and studied his face carefully as he slept. He looked so peaceful and I laid down beside him, waiting for him to wake up.

After a while, his eyelids fluttered open. He took a moment to take in his surroundings and adjust to the bright light before smiling sleepily at me.

"Good morning." He whispered, then yawned. He sat up, running his fingers through his hair and I leaned toward him. We landed a soft kiss on the lips. He pushed off the covers and kneeled down on the floor to pick up his shirt. I couldn't help but admire his smoothly toned muscles as he bent over, his back still bare.

"How about some breakfast?" I asked as he sat back up on the bed and finished pulling his shirt over his head.

He opened his mouth to answer but I had already made a tray of food appear in my hands. The warm smell of breakfast began to fill the air and he smiled, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply to welcome the scent. I stood up and placed the tray on a small table next to the wall in the room. While I set up the food, Robin went into my room and got a second chair so we could both sit at the table. He sat down, closing his eyes and opening his mouth, seeing if he could get me to feed him something. I laughed quietly but forced myself to stop and give him a stern look, only to be won over by laughter this time. I was joined by Robin and I saw my chance. I snatched up a piece of fruit and shoved it into his open mouth, making us both laugh harder.

He started coughing as he laughed and he grabbed for his cup of coffee to swallow the fruit with. I gasped. Was he choking? He took a gulp of the steamy drink and then resumed his laughing. I elbowed his arm, joking bitterly and he stopped laughing all at once, putting on a serious face. His stare bored into me and I laughed quietly at his intent look, seeing in his eyes that he was trying to hold back more laugher.

Before I could react, his arms had reached out and he grabbed my sides, tickling me. I laughed uncontrollably, kicking my legs and grabbing his wrists, trying to make him stop. Finally he let up and I relaxed in my chair, breathing heavily. I sat up after catching my breath and grabbed a plate to eat off of, taking several of the foods and arranging them on it. Robin did the same, still grinning at his win.

When we'd had all we could eat, Robin went back to his room to make the bed and I changed into a simple outfit for the journey back. It was more of a riding outfit than anything else, and it reminded me of the happy, innocent years of my life that I'd felt last night. My hair was put into a long braid and I went to see if Robin was ready to go.

We headed out to the stables to get our horses for the trek back to the castle.
I decided to once again ride bareback and this time I was more prepared to do so. It could get uncomfortable after a while, but it felt so natural.

I waited for Robin to saddle his horse up and I climbed up onto my own horse. I took the reins into my hands and began to speed up, heading towards the wooden fence. Every time I got on a horse now, I felt the need to jump with it. We cleared the fence easily and made a sharp turn to go over a low stone wall.

As I flew over the second jump, I heard clapping from the side. We landed on the other side and I saw Robin on his horse, cheering me on as I rode. I smiled and blushed slightly at his encouragement. My smile quickly faded as I was reminded of a similar thing that Daniel had done when I was younger and I got a strange sense of déjà vu.

My mind brought me back to the moment.

I flew over the jumps in the paddock that had been set up with my fathers help.

"Good!" I heard Daniel exclaim as I finished the circuit. I slowed my horse to a stop and he smiled, clapping at my accomplishment. Yet another perfect turn.
His clapping faded as I rode over to him and kicked off of my horse to meet his open arms.

"You could win any competition you entered!" He told me enthusiastically.

I looked down between us and then back up at his face, squinting my eyes to block out the sun. "You're just saying that." I told him humbly.

He used a finger to tip my chin up so he could look me seriously in the eyes. "Listen to me." He said. "You have the talent for this. And seeing you ride is truly beautiful." I smiled at his compliment and we leaned toward each other for a quick kiss before I had to go back inside for tea with my mother.

Not long after, I'd convinced my mother, with the help of my father, to let me enter my first competitions.

The memory faded. Ever since Daniel's death, I had refused to ride for pleasure like I had been doing the past couple of days because all it did was remind me of what I'd lost. But now that I was truly happy with Robin, now that I was getting my happy ending, it made me feel happy and free, just as it once had.

I turned my horse around to go back over the fences to where Robin was standing, smiling at me warmly.

"You're amazing!" He exclaimed as I rode up next to him. "Where did you learn to do that?"

My smiled faded a bit at his question. "Daniel taught me." I told him quietly. "I was the best in the land until...well, you know. That's when I quit riding." My eyes grew wet with tears and Robin's excitement faded. I shook my head to clear it and wiped my cheek with the back of my hand.

"We should probably get going." I said, trying to make it appear as if nothing had been wrong. As I looked into Robin's eyes, it seemed to make all other thoughts fade from my mind except my love for him.

He nodded. "Alright, let's go." At that, we both turned our horses and headed down the road, leading away from the castle and back home.

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