We never went to another party again.

But now that I was with the populars, I had to throw a party just like they did.

I was just worried that it won’t really be a hit like their parties are. I mean I’m still a new member of the popular group so what if people didn’t bother coming to my party?

That would be so horrible! And what if the populars thought it was a bad party and I shouldn’t be a part of their group anymore?

I started reconsidering throwing a party but then I got another brilliant idea.

I will just say that I want to throw the best party tonight before I sleep and my wish will come true!

I smiled to myself as I finished chopping the vegetables. This is going to be awesome!

How did I even get so lucky with the wishing thing? I thought this stuff didn’t really happen so why is it happening to me?

What would people think if I told them that I could make my wishes come true?

They probably wouldn’t believe me or they would think I’m insane. That’s why I haven’t told anyone about the wishing thing.

That and I thought that maybe, just maybe, if people knew that I could make wishes come true then it will stop happening.

So in the end, I knew that I had to keep it to myself.

I didn’t know where it came from and I didn’t care. I was just glad that it worked!

“I’m home!” My dad called and I heard the front door close.

“We’re in the kitchen!” I called back.

He walked in with a rose in his hand. He gave it to my mother who smiled softly at him and gave him a kiss.

I smiled. I loved how my parents were still in love and happy together. They’ve been married for twenty years now and they still have the same spark. I knew that their love is the kind of love that would last forever and at that moment I thought about my future and hoped to find a guy I could share a love like that with.

Dad gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. Then he took something out of his pocket and gave it to me.

I chuckled and thanked him as I took the chocolate bar he had bought me. It was my favorite.

I remembered when I was a little kid and my dad would come home with a small white plastic bag tied to the belt holes of his pants. He would start making noises with it as soon as he enters the house and I would immediately know that he bought me some candies or chocolate. I would run up to him and try to take the bag from him but he would tease me and tickle me, making me giggle.

He still buys me chocolate every once in a while even though I’m sixteen years old now and I can go out and buy my own chocolate or candies whenever I want.

I actually love it when he buys me chocolate and candies. It reminds me of my childhood when everything was much better because it was much simpler.

I set the table as my dad went upstairs to change out of his work clothes. When he came back, mom had already filled our plates with steak and fries.

Dad was grateful for his favorite dinner. Over dinner he started telling us about their trip to Paris and all the places they were going to visit.

I was so happy for them. I wanted to go to Paris as well but I knew that this trip was for them alone. I would go with a guy I love someday.

My dad has been saving up for that trip for a while now.

My mom squealed excitedly when dad told her that they were going to Disneyland as well.

Living in a Jumble of WishesWhere stories live. Discover now