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Harry had no problem with me going out for coffee with my English teacher which didn't surprise me at all. Harry trusted me more than anyone in the world and I was thankful for that. At a time like this, I wished he would get mad at me and force me to cancel the coffee date with my teacher but he didn't. He encouraged me to go out with people and live a life outside of the life I had with him

He didn't want me to be worried about the situation with Louis and this would get my mind off of it. He was right that it would be something to help me get my mind off of it but I didn't know if it would actually work. I was terrified that Louis was going to want to fess up and that we were all going to be going to jail. That was a hard thing not to think about. I had been so happy we got away with this I had stopped thinking about going to jail and now it was the only thing on my mind.

When the class was over I stuck around just like I did the day before and waited for my teacher to be done with whatever he was doing. I was nervous that something was going to happen on this "date" even though nothing probably would.

"Are you ready, Lana?", he asked picking up his bag of things and standing up. I walked over to where he was standing and both of us walked out of the classroom together. Just that small action made me nervous. I was worried that people were going to get the wrong idea seeing a teacher and a student walk out of the room together. He was attractive and I was almost sure he was attracted to me but messing with a teacher and someones career was something I would never do.

"So how was your day?", he asked as we were walking to my car. I didn't want to drive to the coffee place with him because if things got awkward I wouldn't have an easy way to leave but I felt like it was the right thing to do.

"It was pretty good", I said when we reached my car I threw my school bag in the passenger seat and grabbed one of the expensive purses that harry bought me that had all of my things in it. Pepper spray, tampons, condoms, money, practically anything anyone could need was in that purse.

" Well that's good, whenever I see you walk into class you seem so upset", he commented and it made me insecure. I had gotten comments on that a lot in high school and it made really conscious of the way I walked and looked during the day. Nothing was ever wrong. I just had a chronic bitch face at times and it really gave off the wrong impression.

"No I'm fine. That's just my face at time", I said and we both laughed but only because it was the right thing to do at a time like this. I didn't think anything was funny at all but sometimes you had to laugh at things just to make some of the tension go away.

"How was your day?", I asked buckling up and getting into the passenger seat. He walked around and in that moment I started to regret that i agreed to go on this "date" with him. I had always been so curious about him but now I was getting nervous. I had always gotten nervous around men before I met Harry and Harry had changed that to an extent. If I was with him and a group of his male friends I was completely comfortable but if I was alone with any man other than him it was a totally different story.

"It was well. a lot of teaching but it was nice", he said and I nodded and smiled at his response. He wasn't the kind of person I could really hold a conversation with. He wasn't engaging at all and I hated it. If he wanted to have a casual coffee date he also had to have casual conversation too.

"Can I tell you something?", he asked turning down the music and looking over at me.


"I think you are a really beautiful and intelligent girl and I would really like to get to know you better. I know you are a student but it doesn't have to be anything serious, if it does get serious I'll quit my job. I really think you're an amazing girl and if we got to that point I'd risk my career for you", he explained a pink blush flew to his cheeks. I was shocked that he said that, not shocked that he said I was beautiful because he was clearly crushing, but shocked at how serious he was about getting to know me and wanting me. I had told him I had a boyfriend yesterday yet he was still trying to make a move.

It made me feel like I shouldn't have been there. I had Harry and I didn't feel any type of way toward my teacher. He was attractive, I wouldn't lie to myself but I loved harry and thought he was more attractive than any male, any teacher, any celebrity, any one.

"I'm sorry but I have a fiance", I said," And things with him and I are very serious. We've been together for years now and I would never betray him like that. Friendships are nice and I am willing to be friends but I feel like you wouldn't be happy with just being friends."

"You're right, I wouldn't", he said and his tone was no longer optimistic and friendly but dark and brooding. 

"I'm sorry", I said and as I apologized he flipped his car around causing all the other cars behind us to come to a crashing stop. He started speeding on the other side of the road and driving back to the campus.

"What the fuck was that for?", I asked angry at him," I could've died!"

"I have things to do", he said and kept driving towards the school. We got there a lot faster than I expected because of his speed. The drive to the coffee place was taking forever but the drive back to the school seemed like it took only seconds.

Once we were back on school property, he drove recklessly through the parking lot and stopped right next to my car.

"Get out", he said keeping his eyes ahead of him and i did as i was told. I grabbed my purse off the floor of his car and jogged the short distance to my car and he drove away before I even reached my car. His sudden out burst worried me but I was also kind of thankful. The whole ride was painfully awkward and because of his recklessness and anger issues I got out of an awkward date.

I sat in my car for a while and sat on my phone checking social media and taking a second to calm down. I was rather anxious after that dangerous ride home. He had no care for my safety as we drove and I hated when people didn't care about the lives they could affect with their driving. I got anxious really easily in situations of danger like that. It made my heart beat jump through the roof and my palms sweat like crazy.

All of a sudden Harry's number and caller id flashed on my screen and immediately answered.


"Lana, come home right now. we need to talk."

"Whats wrong?", I asked as I put Harry on speaker phone and started to drive out of the school parking lot.

" I  can't tell you over the phone just hurry home."

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