ch.5 Vacation

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"Demons I get, people are crazy."

"Can you watch Serenity for about an hour? I have to visit my dad one more time before I leave," I beg Melody. To my surprise, she agrees with a small nod and eye roll and allows me to leave without a fuss.

My "vacation" was delayed six months due to a doctor's note telling me I should stay close to home for a while with the baby so she could get used to the new environment, and so I could get used to taking care of a baby.

I walk out the door wearing a sweatshirt and skinny jeans like always. In those months, I was determined to get back whatever figure I'd lost, but it seemed impossible. It was upsetting to see stretch marks on my belly. Luckily, Melody had faith in me and pushed me to get back in shape. I feel like I look better now than I did before Serenity, because now I'm less of a stick figure and more of a curvy, strong build.

My dad greets me with a hug and a smile. "How're you?"

I walk into the living room following my dad and sitting next to him on the couch. "Well I'm pretty good. I'm tired for sure. And you?"

"Bored." He takes a swig of a soda and sets it back on the coffee table in front of us. "Don't have much to do right now."

It's quiet for a few moments because I don't know what to say. I get the feeling he wants to come with me on my trip, but I can't invite him. I'm leaving on business and if he came I would have to explain too much to him.

He finally breaks the silence, "I think your favorite movie is coming on television."

He picks up the remote from the table and turns on the television. Within minutes, we're both engrossed in The Avengers. It seems weird to watch movies my dad is in. Its like watching a video of yourself and not recognizing your own voice. I love his movies anyway. The fact that I can introduce my dad to my friends as Ironman might play a factor in why I love his movies so much.

Another factor might be because I got to see the movie being made. That's what sparked my interest in filming and drama. My dad pushed for me to take drama classes in school just to see if I would like it. Turns out I didn't like being the actor, but I did enjoy being the director.

"Hey, daddy?"

"Yes, daughter?" He doesn't take his eyes from the screen while a scene of Black Widow interrogating some men is playing.

"I should probably be going soon. I need to finish packing and make sure I'm ready to leave," I admit, standing from the couch to leave.

He follows me to the front door. "Well be careful. Don't get into trouble in another country." He hugs me tightly.

"Oh, here," he says as he breaks away. "Take this." And he hands me his credit card.

"No, I don't need it, dad. You've already given me enough money."

He forces the card into the pocket of my sweatshirt amid my protests. "If I don't spend my money to my daughter, then what am I supposed to do with it?"

I roll my eyes and hug him again. "I'm going to miss you."

"I love you, Harley. Don't forget it."

"I love you too, dad."

"Be careful on your trip. Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Melody, I'm home!" I shout when I enter the apartment.

I hear faint baby sobs as I walk in the door. I follow the sounds to my room.

"Thank god! She hasn't stopped crying since you left! Why won't she ever let anybody take care of her besides you?" she pauses. "I'm never going to have children if it's going to be like this!" She throws her hand up - the one that isn't holding a baby - to make her point.

I take Serenity from her and hold her in my arms. She continues crying, but the moment Melody leaves, her cries slowly begin to subside.

It's about ten in the morning and our flight leaves at noon. I decide it's probably best to remind Melody that I'm leaving soon.

I walk into the kitchen where she stands, struggling to make noodles and Alfredo sauce. "Melody, I'm leaving in an hour."

"Will you eat brunch with me first?" Her eyes plead for me to help her cook, so I do. I take over the stove with a baby in one arm and a wooden spoon in the other.

I walk into the living room with our food on a tray on one arm and Serenity quietly exploring the house with her eyes in my other arm.

I sit down at the table with Melody and enjoy the last meal I'll share with her for a while. I don't know how I'm going to manage being away from everyone I care about for any period of time. I guess it might be easier with only me and Serenity to take care of. Considering how much Melody relies on me, it might be harder for her to be away from me.

"When will you be back?" She asks. I'd wondered how long the trip would be myself.

"I don't know. However long it takes for me to do what I have to do."

"But you'll be back for my wedding right?" She looks up from her food and stares at me intently.

"It's only August. Yes, I will be back for your wedding that's in October," I give her a duh-you-idiot look.

As we finish eating, I listen to a detailed account of what Melody has planned for her wedding so far. She tells me about how her bridesmaids are going to wear red and since I'm the maid of honor, its only natural that my hair matches my dress and makes me stand out more.

"I'm going to miss you," Melody admits as I'm about to leave. She hugs me and kisses Serenity's forehead, causing her to start crying.

I giggle, but Melody isn't pleased. She throws her hands up in the air and stomps away.

"I'll miss you too," I say between laughs.

She's already helped me carry my bags and Serenity's out to the car, but now it's actually time to leave.

As I get into my car and start it, I can't believe I'm finally doing this.

It took about an hour to get to the airport, but thankfully I've been blessed with a baby that always sleeps in the car.

I unload the car, carrying the baby in her pumpkin seat in one hand, and two suitcases in the other. It would be really nice if Serenity could help carry her own luggage.

"Do you need help?" asked a voice behind me.

"Yes, thank you!" I say as she takes Serenity's bags.

"I'm Josephine, but you can call me Josie." She smiles and brushes her light brown curls behind her ear.

I set my suitcase upright and shake her hand. "I'm Harley."

On the plane, I sit between Josie and Serenity. Seven hours of sleep for me! Not.

Josie obviously likes to talk. She talks about everything and anything. By the time she gets to asking me questions about myself, we've already been flying for an hour or two.

The first question she asks is how old I am. I tell her I'm almost twenty. She gasps because I have a baby already and proceeds to tell me how she would never do a thing like that. The she asks where Serenity's father is so I admit that that's the whole purpose of my trip to London.

Then we start talking about dads and she asks what my parents do. When I tell her who my dad is, she freaks out and gets really excited.

Thankfully, Serenity sleeps for about half of the trip, only waking up and starting to cry when we begin experiencing turbulence. I calm her down quickly, and we both sleep the rest of the way.

I'm so grateful for my dad because of it wasn't for him I would be spending some time trying to call a cab. My dad had a car ready to pick me up and take me to my hotel before my flight even landed.

The driver carries my bags and puts them in the trunk. I get in the backseat with Serenity in order to be able to take care of her on the way to the hotel. It's getting late, but I stay awake until my bags are in my hotel room and Serenity is put in bed.

I get under the covers and sigh. This is going to be a long 'vacation'.

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