Socks and confusion

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First published May 2016
Richelle's POV
I walk into the music room with my dance bag thrown over one shoulder and my phone in my hand, expecting to see Noah warming up. Buts he's not here! I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion. Why is he not here?
Ever since me and Noah were little we would wake up extra early and come to the music room to warm up and practise. Six years! In six years Noah has never not failed to meet me in the music room. I'm in shock. I decide to wait for a few moments. Relaxing my head against the back of a wall and stretching my legs out onto the hard wood floor. I sit in silence before taking out my phone and tapping a text to Noah-
Where are you? 😕
There's no reply. I'm starting to get worried. Usually Noah would text me back straight away. I can feel my fingers tapping nervously against the hard, glossy surface of my phone and my sharp teeth bite at the inside of my mouth. I wait for a few more moments before sitting up and walking quickly up to A studio. As I walk up the long flight of stairs, my eyes stare at the floor and my mind starts to wonder back to Noah. Is he sick? Is there a problem at home? Soon before I realise it I have walked straight into the centre of the studio. I look up from the dark wood floor to find all of A-troupe staring at me. I can feel my face start to go pink. I grab my dark brown locks to try and cover my face.
"Richelle?" Riley. She looks at me with one eye brow raised.
"Are you ok?"
Before I can answer a tall figure runs past me and stops a few inches in front of me. Oh Noah! His hair is tousled and I'm pretty sure his shirt is on backwards. Wait! That's his brothers shirt. Oh dear! I don't think he noticed me.
"Sorry I'm late, my alarm didn't go off, then my cat decided to tear up all my shirts, so I had to wear this old one that hardly fits me, then I went down to get breakfast to find out my mum hadn't gone shopping, so then I had to try and find money to buy something from the shop and then as soon as I was about to leave my-"
"Noah! Noah! Stop! Stop!" Says Giselle, walking up to him and placing two palms on his shoulders.
"It's ok dude, we are only warming up"
I see Noah relax. He breathes out loudly pressing his hands down onto his knees. He opens his mouth and says.
"Oh good, I was worried there for a moment-WAIT I TOTALLY FORGOT!"
He takes his hands off his knees before running in the direction of the door. He stops suddenly when he sees me standing with my arms crossed with one foot in front of the other. He nervously scratches the back of his head.
"Richelle...." He says quietly, looking down at his shoes before looking back up. Behind him the rest of a-troupe glanced at us before looking between them with equal confused expressions.
" I am so sorry, I totally forgot" he looks at me sadly. I suppose I can forgive him for being late, I mean he did cause me to have a mini panic attack but this is the only time he has missed a day.
"It's ok Noah." I uncross my arms looking down at the floor before looking back up at him. I hear him sigh in relief. The rest of the studio are still in a daze of confusion.
"We can go down now if you want too, that is if I'm allowed" he looks at Giselle pleading her with his eyes.
"Go where?" she asks.
"No it's ok Noah, as long as you have those socks it should be fine" I say.
I look behind Noah to the rest of a-troupe to find them looking more confused than they were before. How is that possible.
"Oh.....yeah of course" he unzips his red dance bag before taking out a pair of black socks and throwing them to me.
I start to smile.
"Thanks Noah!" I say excitedly. I start to walk out the studio before I suddenly remember something, so I turn back around.
"Oh by the way, you are wearing your brothers shirt!"
I watch as he looks down at his shirt and groans. I then walk out of the studio with a smile on my face.

Noah's POV
I watch as Richelle walked out of the studio. Her long brown hair flinging back and forth behind her. I hear a cough from behind me and I slowly turn around on one heel to face the rest of a-troupe. They were staring at me with equal expressions of confusion before James slowly broke it by saying.
"What.... just.....happened?"
"I handed Richelle my socks" I say.
James stared at me with disbelief before asking.
"No Noah, why did you give Richelle your socks" Wait they don't know. I suddenly laugh out loud.
"Wait" I say " you mean to tell me you guys haven't noticed Richelle wearing my socks" I say jokingly.
The dancers look at each other before all nodding there head in unison.
"Really?" I say in disbelief.
Riley then picks herself off the ground before walking up to James and resting her hand on top of his.
"No we haven't noticed" she says " but why does she want your socks"
"Oh she thinks their lucky or something. Everyday I meet her in the music room to stretch before I give her a pair of new socks. She's been asking for them for over six years." I say
Riley and James looks shocked, so do the rest of the other dancers.
"Six years!" James says in disbelief.
"Six YEARS, WOW that's a long time"
"Yeah I know dude" I say patting him on one of his shoulders. "I couldn't tell you exactly how many I have gave to her. Once I give them to her, I never see them again. Do you know how many I've lost in the last month alone?"
The dancers stare at me with there mouths wide open.
      "Is there anything else we should know about you Noah. Do you live in a mansion, do you have any siblings, do you own a dinosaur or-"
I burst out laughing at their questions. After a few moments of quietly laughing to myself, I decide to answer their questions.
"Well I don't exactly live in a mansion but my house is quite big, and I do have siblings. One older brother and one younger brother. And to answer your last question, no I don't have a dinosaur-although that would be awesome- I actually own a cat. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go fix my self up" and with that I pick up my bag and walk out the door leaving the dancers in a state of shock. That was funny! There reactions were hilarious. I wonder what they would think if I told them something else about me. I laugh at the endless amount of possibilities I have to shock the studio. I wonder what would happen if I told them about......

First ever one shot :)

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