"No, I told you I was going to look for my phone." He said and she pulled a phone from the jacket and showed him.

"I tried to tell you it was in here, I even went to look for you." She said and he took it.

"Oh, I must have missed it. But I ended up finding this cute bunny rabbit and I tried to catch it for you, but it went into its burrow." He told her and she smiled, leaning in and kissing him.

"It's okay, we can get one when we get home." She told him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I've got first pick of the bedrooms." Brendon announced and I looked to see him heading towards the stairs.

I turned my attention back to Oliver and Hannah and was mildly disgusted by the sight in front of me, not really in the mood to watch someone in a heated make out session. I decided to go ahead and go upstairs, turning towards them and seeing Brendon going up them and I followed. I climbed up the stairs, him halfway up and i looked down at Andy who was watching me with a small smile and I turned my head from him, shyly.

"Ashley!" Andy screamed and I already felt my body being pushed to the side of the wall and I watched Brendon's body fall down and crash on the floor.

I stood against the wall, slightly shaking and looking down at him as he laid there with a bone sticking at the skin on his neck, one of his legs stretched out behind him, and his arm twisted. I couldn't breathe, more like I couldn't control my breathing, at least not right now I couldn't. I looked up at the stairs and then down at Brendon and couldn't help but think that if his body would have rolled underneath me, I would have been laying like that too. I started to look around at everyone who was looking at Brendon and I saw one set of eyes lock on me, Andy's. He moved from near Juliet and Gerard and made his way to the staircase, passing the body and coming up to hug me and hold me in his arms. I didn't notice that my body had been shaking until Andy tried to keep me still and it just had to be the worst experience I've ever had. I tried to move from his body, trying to leave and he held me tighter, rubbing my back and I tried to push away harder.

"L-let me go." I warned him and he shook his head.

"No, what are you going to do?" He asked and I pushed him back against the staircase wall and he let go, allowing me to run down the stairs. I went to my suitcase and repacked all my things, making them fit inside and then picked it up.

"Where are you going?" Chris asked me and just as I reached the door, Josh Franny came in and I moved past him.

"Ashley!" I heard Andy say and I felt him take my arm as I started near the cars. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked and I tried to pull my arm away.

"I'm going to sleep in the car with Ronnie, or by myself." I told him, pushing him away from me and he grabbed ahold of my shoulders, turning me towards him.

"Hey, hey. Calm down." He spoke softly and I felt myself start to choke up and I shook my head, looking down at the ground.

"How the h.ell do you expect me to be calm when someone just died in front of me Andrew?!" I yelled at him slightly and tried to move past him, but he blocked my way.

"No, okay, look. I know it's kind of traumatic, but you're going to get through it. I'll make sure of that." He said and I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Oh, so you choose now to be there for me?" I asked and he looked a little taken aback. "So when we wanted a child, and we were so close to having one and lost it, you were there for me. Am I right?" I asked and he looked shocked and didn't say anything. I scoffed and pushed past him, going to my car and opening the door, getting in and placing my suitcase in the front seat.

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