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I lazily laid in a tree, waiting for Hiccup to show up. He promised he would meet me back here by this pond. "Jack!" I heard him call my name. "I'm here!", I yelled back. I looked down and saw Hiccup standing at the base of the tree. I jumped down from the tree and stood in front of the slightly smaller boy. "Why is this thing not coming off?", he asked. "What do you mean?", I asked. "The snowflake! It won't come off!", he sneered.

"It's not supposed to", I replied. "What? What do you mean it doesn't come off?", he asked. "It's a, you know what I won't tell you", I said. Something hit me and I almost feel over. "Ow dude", I said, rubbing the back of my head where I was hit. "Tell me what it is", Hiccup said. "No", I replied. "Why not?", he asked. "Because, we just met and it was stupid of me to put it there", I mumbled. "Then why did you even put it there in the first place!?", Hiccup yelled. I huffed, jumping and flying away.

"Jack!", I yelled. The snow spirit didn't turn around to acknowledge me, he just kept going. I sighed and sat down by the pond that was now frozen over. The snowflake covered half my cheek at this point and people were staring. I looked like a weirdo. Like that's any different from before. Toothless walked over and licked my cheek. "You wanna know?". I turned around, Jack was standing by the tree. I shot him a glare. "Ok, ok fine" He walked over and tapped his staff to my cheek again. "What did you just do?", I asked. "It's gone now. Happy?", he asked. I looked at my reflection in the ice and sure enough, it was gone. I turned to thank him but he was already flying off.

"Wait!" I ran after him but slipped and fell on my back. Stupid metal leg. "You ok?", Jack asked. "I think", I replied. Toothless grabbed my shirt like I was a cat and picked me up. "Thanks, Toothless", I said and pat his head. Jack rushed over and seemed to look me over for any damage. "I'm fine Jack", I said. We locked eyes and it almost seemed like the rest of the world disappeared around us, it was just me and Jack. "Jack?" Jack reached up and cupped my face in one of his hands. Jack leaned in, our foreheads touching. "Not yet", he whispered with a sigh. Jack stepped back and with a wave of his staff, he was gone.

~Time Skip~

"Hiccup!", my father yelled. "What dad?", I asked as I walked in to our small hut of a house. "You were supposed to be at dragon training. Why were you not there?", he asked. "I went to the forest. I didn't feel like going today", I replied. "Grounded", my father said. "What!?", I yelled. "You're grounded! Today was an important lesson and you know that! You're grounded for the next week", he said and that was the end of the conversation.

"Oh, I missed one lesson out of the 10,000 we have every year and suddenly I'm grounded", I said. "Don't sass me boy", he said. "I thought you wanted a great leader after you father", I said. He sent me a glare. "Your room. Now", he said. I huffed and walked off to my room, slamming the fragile wooden door behind me.

I knew Hiccup got in trouble. I could hear the whole conversation. "I'm sorry you had the hear that bud", Hiccup said. I turned to look out the window and saw Jack floating there. I walked over and Jack hid to the side of the wall. "What's wrong toothless?", Hiccup asked. I looked at Jack ignoring Hiccup. Jack told me to shush but did I listen? No. No, I didn't.

I roared and Hiccup came to see what I was looking at. Jack quickly hid. "What bud? Did you see a squirrel?", Hiccup asked. 'Yeah, and he had snow white fur, and can make snow and ice appear'. Hiccup walked away from the window and left his room, saying something about getting food. Jack came back around and smacked my nose lightly. I growled at him and walked away from the window.

Jack came in and sat on Hiccups bed. So? I asked him telepathically. I learned I could do so the day we met Jack. It was quite odd but I guess this works. "So what?", he asked. So, are you going to tell him what the snowflake was for like you told me? I asked. "No, I won't. You know why? Because you still haven't told him you can turn into a human", Jack replied. What does me being human have to do with you and your feelings for Hiccup? I asked. "You know what never mind. I shouldn't have to explain myself to a dragon", he said, crossing his arms over his chest. 

I rolled my eyes at the over dramatic snow spirit and shifted into my human form. I wore a black hoodie, black pants, and black and green converse to match my dragon form. Black hair and dark, forest green eyes were apart of my features along with a light dusting of freckles. "Yeah got it, dad!", Hiccup yelled and walked in. Hiccup looked up at us, his eyes going wide. "Who the hell are you?", Hiccup asked, fear in his voice. "We're dead", I said. "You're dead", Jack corrected.

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