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"Jack where are we?", I asked. "The north pole!!!", he said and flew down to the work shop. "You mean this is Santa's workshop?", I asked. "Yep. You can call him North", he said. I nodded and we walked in. Inside was the tooth fairy, sandman, easter bunny and Santa.

"Ah Jack! Your back! Who's this?", North asked. "My boyfriend. His name is Hiccup. And yes, he believes is all of you", he said. "You do, do you?", the easter bunny said. "He sure does", Jack said. He held onto me protectively.

"Does his teeth look nice?", the tooth fairy asked. She flew over and opened my mouth like I was dog.

"Tooth that's enough", North said. She looked at him and smiled. She back away. I rubbed my raw.

"So how long will he be here?", North asked. "Uh, untill his father understands hiccup is gay", Jack said. "Your father homophobic?", North asked me. I nodded. He nodded in return.

"I'm going to get something! Be right back!", Jack said and left. I looked where he flew off and looked like there were rooms.

"His teeth are so beautiful!!!", tooth said. She had my mouth open like a dog again. "Tooth!", North yelled. "Sorry. He just has really nice teeth!", she said letting go.

Jack came back. "What is it?", I asked looking at the vile in his hand. "It holds my teeth which have merories. I was looking at it and I found some interesting merories", he said. "Like what?", I asked.

He pulled another vile out and it had my face on it. "I think you should find out for yourself", he said handing my mine. I put my hand on it and memories passed by.

Memory 1
"Jack!! Wait!!", a small hiccup yelled. A small Jack turned around. Instead of Jack's white hair, Jack had brown hair. "Come and get me!!", the small Jack yelled. The small hiccup ran after the small Jack. They looked about 5. Hiccup trips over a tree branch. "Jack!!", Hiccup yells. Jack turns around and ran back to Hiccup. He sits by hiccup and sees he scraped his knee and he was missing a tooth. Blood was coming out of the scrap. Jack ripped his old dark gray jacket. He wraps it around the wound and ties it. "There. All better", Jack says. He helps hiccup up. They bold hands and walk back to Hiccups house.

Memory 2
Jack and Hiccup looked about 7. They where throwing snowballs, Obviously having a snow ball fight. "Ah!! Ha-ha!!", hiccup laughted. Hiccup was running to hide behind a tree but tripped on a rock and lost a tooth. "You ok?", Jack asked running over. "I'm fine", Hiccup says. He gets up, with the help of Jack. He mashes a snowball in Jack's face and runs. "Get back here!!", Jack yelled.

Memory 3
They looked 9 now. They were next to a fire Hiccup's dad set up. "Becareful!", Hiccup's father said. "We'll be fine!", they both said. Hiccup's father nodded and left to go inside the house. "Hey wanna here a scary story?", Jack asked. "No!!!", hiccup siad lightly punching him. Jack laughted. "Ok, ok. But... BOO!!", Jack yelled. "Ahh!", hiccup yelled. He fell on his side knocking out a tooth. "You ok!!", Jack asked. "Yeah, I think?", hiccup said. Jack moved Hiccups face so he could see, blood coming out Hiccups mouth. He took his jacket sleeve and whiped it away. Jack roasted hiccup a marshmallow.

Memory 4
The boys are now 10. Hiccup and Jack head out to get fire wood. As they walked they also talked about things in their life. "So have you seen any dragon?", Jack asked. "Not recently but I know they're out there!", hiccup said. Not paying attention, he tripped over a long and nocked out a tooth. "You ok?", Jack asked. "Yeah", hiccup said getting up. Jack took his hand and they walk on looking for fire wood.

Memory 5
"Just so you know! This feeling is taking control, of me and I can't help it. I won't sit around, I can't let him win now." Jack sang. The boys are now 12. "Thought you should know! I've tried my best let go, of you but I don't want to. I just gotta say it all before I go!! Just so you know", Jack sang the last of the song. Hiccup laughted as Jack gave him a rose. "Jack?", hiccup asked. "I like you a lot hiccup. And I thought I would tell you now", Jack said. Hiccup blushed and smiled looking down at the flower. Jack leaned in to kiss him but hiccup looked up and Jack ended up head butting him knocking out a tooth. "Sorry", Jack said rubbing his head. "It's ok. It happens", hiccup said. They laughted and smiled. While Jack wasn't looking hiccup kissed Jack. Jack was surprised but kissed back.


As I came back from the memories be looked over at Jack. "We knew each other?", I asked. Jack nodded. "But how?", I asked. "I don't know. As kids I guess our parents knew each other and we loved spending time together", Jack replied. "We also loved each other", i said. "Yeah. Wasn't that your first kiss?", Jack asked. "Yeah", hiccup replied. "Wait, so you and Hiccup where a couple before you died? Then how come his dad is so surprised about it?", tooth asked. "I never told him", I replied. "Oh", tooth said. "Well now what?", Jack asked. "Wait what about toothless and Katie!!", I yelled. "They will be fine", Jack said. "Jack!!!", I yelled. "We are not going back to get your Dragon friends!", he said. "But Jack!! I lost 5 teeth for us!!", I said. "Ugh! It's late. Well get then tomorrow", he said. "Fine but you better remember", I said. He nodded. "Be nice you two. Don't wanna end up in the nuahgty list", North said. We rolled our eyes. Silly North. "Off to bed!", he said. I walked with Jack to his room. "You have pajamas I can use?", I asked. "Sure", he said pulling out a shirt. I took it. I got out my pants and changed my shirt. It was really big on me. I looked up to see Jack had a slight nose bleed. I laughted and saw him search for a tissue. I took one from his bathroom and gave it to him. "Thanks", he said. I nodded. After he whipped up the blood we headed to bed. "I love you hiccup", Jack said. "I love you too Jack", I replied. He hugged me from behind. I smiled and fell asleep.

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