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"Toothless?" I looked around me but couldn't find my dragon friend. 'Strange, where did he run off to?' I headed into the woods to look for him. "Toothless?!", I called out but got no response in return. "Toothless!!", I yelled again but still nothing. I came upon the lake I caught Toothless and saw him chasing someone or something around. Being the scaredy cat I am, I hid behind some bushes and watched. It started to snow and it started to become clear is was a boy Toothless was chasing. The boy had snow white hair, was wearing a blue hoodie, brown pants, no shoes and had a staff tucked under his arm. Parts of it covered in frost, same with his jacket.

I watched as Toothless sniffed the air and he head perked up, probably from smelling my familiar scent. Toothless, finally noticing me, began to run over to me, nudging me out the bush. I fell out, wet snow and dirt getting on me and now a random boy in front of me. "Hi", he said very calmly. "H-hello", I replied a slight stutter in my speech. "You can see me?", he asked. 'Is this guy for real?' "Of course I can", I said sitting up. Once seated, Toothless sat beside me. "I'm Jack, Jack Frost. You?", he said. "You're the Jack Frost?", I asked. "Yes, I am. Now, who are you?", he asked. "I'm Hiccup. And if your really Jack Frost, prove it", I replied, still in a bit of disbelief.

"Ok if you say so", he said. He stepped back a bit from me and Toothless and created an ice statue of my dragon pal. "Whoa! Cool!", I was amazed. I didn't think he'd actually do it. "I told you", he said floating on his back. I rolled my eyes at the guy. Toothless licked my face leaving slobber all over me. "Toothless! Gross buddy", I said whipping off the slobber. "Hiccup!" Astrid! Where did she come from!? "Another person! I wonder if they can see me", Jack said. Astrid rounded the corner and as soon as she saw me, she ran up to me almost toppling me over in a hug.

"I see you found toothless", she said, letting me go. Jack waved his hand in her face but she didn't seem to react to it. "Yeah, I did", I replied. "Come, your father wants to see you", she said pulling on my arm. "Fine", I groaned. She let go of me and began to walk back on her own. I turned to Jack. "See you later I guess", I said a bit awkwardly. 'Should I have said that?' "Bye", Jack replied with the same ounce of awkwardness. I started to walk back, Toothless right behind me. "Oh wait, before you go", Jack said.

I turned back to him, his staff almost knocking me out. He poked my cheek and smiled. "What did you just do?", I asked. "Put a snowflake on your cheek", he said. My eyes widened. I felt my cheek and sure enough, the out line of a snowflake could be felt. "Wha- why!?" Before he could answer we heard my father. "Hiccup!!!", he yelled. "Coming!!!", I yelled back. "Bye Jack", I said. "Bye", he replied and seemed to disappear. I ran up the hill and saw my father standing in the snow, holding a lantern. 'Was it really already dark out?'

"Hiccup! I thought I lost you!!", he said giving me a bone-crushing hug. "Yeah, I'm fine dad. Just lookin for Toothless", I replied patting his shoulder. He put me down and we started our walk back home. "Hiccup what's that on your cheek?", he asked as we walked into our house. "Oh uh", I was trying to come up with a good lie. My father doesn't believe in little kid fairy tails, he thinks they're ridiculous.

"Never mind. Go to sleep Hiccup", my dad said. I nodded and ran up to my room. Toothless came in through the window and sat on his mat I made him a few months ago. Looking outside you tell it started to snow even more out there. I let a yawn out, rolling over to face my bedroom wall. "Goodnight Toothless", I mumbled. Toothless lay down and I snuggled up into my bed sheets and we fell asleep.

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