19] Off The Walls

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ღ•Amber's POV•ღ

Watching the boys from backstage at Bring Me To 1D was amazing. All these girls were so creative. Making cupcakes and unbelievable posters. But most of all I get to watch my five best mates doing what they do best.

Watching them sing was mesmerizing. They were so talented. Their voices are amazing. I understand why all these girls obsess over them. If I wasn't Liam's best friend I think I would've too. I laughed at the thought of me being a fan girl.

I saw the boys wave at the fans and they all started to scream. They slowly walked off of the platform and made their way backstage. Harry was the first in line.

"You guys were so good!" I cheer and hug Harry.

"Aww! Thanks Amber!" Zayn says and wraps his arms around me and Harry.

"Hey! I want in on the group hug!" Louis shouts putting his arms around us.

"Lemme in der!" Niall shouts squeezing in between everyone.

Liam laughs and joins in the hug. We all break away.

"So what are we doing now?" I ask.

"It depends. What do you want to do?" Liam asks.

"I don't care whatever you guys want to do."

I intertwine my fingers with Harry's and smile up at him. He laughs and gives my hand a small squeeze.

"Is der a Nando's?!" Niall asks excitedly.

"No Niall! There's no Nando's in America!" Louis laughs.

We all laugh at Louis comment as we head back out to the van. We climb in. As we're driving through the plaza we start looking for things to do.

"What if we go to Off The Walls? It sounds cool." Liam says pointing in the direction.

"Sounds like a wonderful idea mate!" Louis exclaims.

We pull into the lot and jump out of the van. Harry immediately connected his hand with mine. I smiled up at him and he bent down to place a small kiss on my forehead.

As we walk in the doors cold breeze hits me in the face. It's cold compared to the humid New York summer weather. It looks very retro. Grey tile flooring with white walls and I saw the faintest color of neon green in the back of the building.

We walked up to the front of the desk and a freckled brunette smiled at us.

"Hi! Welcome to Off The Walls! How may I help you?" She asks with a huge smile on her face.

"Ummm well lets see... The six of us... Would like to get in..." Louis remarks with his sassy attitude.

The girl laughs and types a few things into her computer.

"Ok hold out your hands please." She requests.

We all hold our hands over the desk as instructed and she goes down the line placing stamps on each one of our hands. We all payed for ourselves. Except Harry who insisted on paying for me.

"I hate it when people but things for me when I'm perfectly capable of buying it myself." I say crossing my arms as we head up the stairs towards the trampolines.

"But Amber. I like paying for you! You can save your money to buy yourself something nice." Harry says lifting my chin to look at him.

"Why you'll probably just buy that for me too?"

"Not true! Listen if it really bothers you I'll stop."

"Thank you!" I shout throwing my arms in the air.

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