6] The Pressure of Fame

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ღ•Amber's POV•ღ

It's been a couple weeks since me and Harry started dating. Ever since the rumor that me and Harry started dating showed up we've been public. A picture of us at the mall got released and that caused all kinds of madness. Fans started sending me hate messages on twitter.

I scroll through my 'Connect' feature on my twitter and look at all the tweets.

@HarryStylesLover2010: @Amber_Rose_Official Why the fuck did you start dating Harry! You ugly slut! You're probably just dating him for money!

@1ds_numba1_fan: @Amber_Rose_Official you ugly whore! I hate you! You're probably another one of those bitches waiting to break Harry's heart.

@thrustingwithlou: @Amber_Rose_Official I hate you and your fatass self go die in a hole you stupid whore.

All this hate was driving me crazy... It was so hard to focus on positives now. I cried myself to sleep at night again now. My heart that I thought was going to be stitched back up for good was viciously torn back apart. It got to the point where I started too look at all the hash tags that had my name in them.

All of them were bad...




And that was only a few. I bolted myself in my room. I don't want anyone to bother me at the moment. Suddenly an idea hit. I duck my head not wanting any of the boys to see my face. Luckily they were all watching a film. I walk into the loo that I designated as the "girl's toilet" and bolted the door behind me. I've never ever thought about doing this before... But it's last resort. I grabbed my razor off its spot in the shower. I sink down the wall in the bathroom and sob quietly. I place the cool metal on my warm wrist and my vision is blurred by tears. I slid the blade across my bare skin and whimpered slightly as blood drew from the fresh cut. It stung but strangely... Felt good at the same time. I cut the other wrist to match the first one. The blood dropped from my wrists to tiled floor. The pain in my wrists took away from the pain in my heart. I looked around for anything that would sop up the blood and found a towel laying on the counter. I grabbed it and pressed it hesitantly onto my now tender wrists. The light blue towel quickly stained red but helped to stop the bleeding. After a while my wrists stopped bleeding but were very pink. I ran my hands under cold water and it really stung. I pulled them out quickly and turned off the water. I look through the cupboard for some wrap to cover my wrists with. I found some gauze and bandage wrap and covered my wrists.

Shit what if they see the bandages?! I crossed my arms across my chest and unbolted the door briskly walking up the stairs.

"Amber!" Harry called after me but I ignored him.

I heard footsteps coming after me and I sprinted into my room. I bolted the door behind me and quickly threw a pull over jacket over my head as Harry knocked quietly on the door.

"Amber? Are you ok?" He asks.

I could picture the terrified expression on his face. I did my best to clear my throat and wipe my face dry. I couldn't let them know...

"Yeah!" I called out to him and opened the door.

He looked over my face and sighed.

"Amber what's wrong? Don't say nothing because obviously it's something..." He says pushing me back into my room and shuts the door after us.

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