14] Colors Of My Rainbow

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ღ•Amber's POV•ღ

It's the fifth day that I've been in the hospital. My walking is gradually getting better and Doctor Clark said that if I can walk without problems I may be able to go home soon. I really want to get out of the hospital. The endless beeping of my heart monitor is annoying.

Harry has been getting much more sleep. Sometimes I watched him while he slept... He looked much more at peace when he was asleep than when he was awake. I think it's because he didn't have all the thoughts jumping around in his head.

"Amber..." Harry says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I hummed looking up to meet his eyes.

"Do you want to try to walk again? I know it's the third time today but it can't hurt..."

"Yes! I want to get out of here as much as you do."

He got up from the sofa in the corner of the room and appeared at the side of my bed. I swung my legs out from under the blankets and touched my toe to the ground. It was cold... I slowly lowered my feet onto the floor expecting pain, scrunching up my nose. But nothing came. No shock... No pain... No pain! I took a couple steps and still no pain. I was a little sore but no immediate sparks.

"Harry." I smiled wide.

"What? What is it?" He asked widening his eyes.

"There's no pain..." I said a little amazed.

He was at loss for words and just enveloped me in a hug. We stood there embraced and he pulled away.

"I'm so happy that you're feeling better." Harry said softly.

I smiled and he touched his lips gently to mine. He hugged me close to him and I let my hands run through his curls. He pulled away and left trails of kisses on my neck.

"You should probably sit down before something happens again." He says against my neck giving it one last kiss before guiding me back to the bed.

Doctor Clark walked through the door followed by the nurses. He has a smile on his face.

"How are we feeling?" He asks looking through his clipboard.

"Amazing! I just walked with little to no pain at all." I said excitedly.

"That's good! It means you're healing."

"How long do you think before she'll be discharged? We have to leave for America soon..." Harry asked.

I totally forgot. They go to America in a couple of days... Please don't be long. Please don't be long.

"It depends... If Amber can go through therapy without any difficulties, three days max. If she has trouble a week." He states looking at me and Harry.

Harry sighs and hangs his head. He ran his hand through his curls like he did when he was upset. If I couldn't get through therapy immediately then I'd have to stay for a week... And Harry wouldn't be able to see me get discharged. Tears form in my eyes as I ball the white sheets into my fists.

"But you're a strong girl. So I wouldn't expect you to be here longer than a few days." He smiles and stops fiddling with his clipboard.

Harry looked up again this time with more hope in his eyes. He slowly pulled the corner of his lips into a smile. Seeing his dimples made me smile. I love his dimples. They are perfect. Just like him.

"So when would you like to start appointments?" Doctor Clark asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"As soon as possible please." I said excitedly.

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