1] Acting Strange

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ღ•Amber's POV•ღ

I walk down the pavement hand in hand with my wonderful boyfriend Dakota. We are on our way to another day of endless boredom at school. He is my everything... His beautiful emerald eyes and chocolate brown hair are just as perfect as perfect can get.

When we finally reach school I open my locker and shove my books in. I turn around to face Dakota and he smiles. He leans down to kiss me and our lips connect.

He runs his hands through my light brown hair. There is a bang on my locker beside me and Dakota springs away.

"Save the PDA for the movies!" Our old witch of a principal, Ms. Haggard, screams into our ears.

She stomps away in her high heels.

"Damn. What's up her skirt?" Dakota asks and I laugh.

"I don't know. Maybe she hates kissing because she's never had one..." I say and stick my middle finger up to her back.

Dakota laughs and the bell rings. I grab my calculus textbook and shut my locker.

"I'll see you after school." I say and smile.

"Yep see you then." Dakota cheers giving me a peck on the lips before starting down the hall to his class.


The school day ends and I wait in my usual spot for Dakota. I constantly look down at my phone awaiting a text from him. 

Ten minutes later still no text.

What the hell is going on? Is he blowing me off?

This is so strange... It's not like him to do things like this... I'm sure there is a perfectly good reason for this.

I don't have time to waste... I have to get home. My parents would be worried.

I sent him a text saying that I had to go home with no reply. Suddenly I felt very upset. He always texts me back... What could he be doing?

I walk down the sidewalk alone all the way to my house. Normally Dakota would've walked me home. Kissed me goodbye on my doorstep... But this time I did it solo. No one to spend the ten minute walk home with and no one to say goodbye to at my front door.

I walk through the door to a wonderful smell coming from the kitchen.

"Mmm something smells good mum!" I yell into the house creating an echo.

"Thanks hun!" She yells back.

I head immediately for my room and shut the door. I flop down onto my bed and turn on the Tv. It was almost time for the X Factor to start.

I've been looking forward to it because my best friend Liam Payne would be auditioning. He has an amazing voice! It's literally wonderful!

I promised him I'd be rooting for him even though my parents said that I wasn't aloud to be at the auditions with him.

I flipped on my telly just in time for the X Factor sign in. I watched the endless performances of nervous and eager contestants. None of them were as good as Liam in my opinion. There were a couple that did stand out though. I think there was four other boys... Niall, Louis, Harry, and Zayn, I believe... They all had really nice voices as well. Finally it was Liam's turn...

He sang Cry Me A River it was one of my favorite songs. Hearing him sing cleared my mind. He was great.

"Mum! Liam's on the telly hurry!" I yelled into the lounge room.

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