Chapter 11. It's all coming back to me

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Castiel carried you to one of the spare bedrooms in the bunker. He hasn't picked you up like this since the night he was supposed to take you the first time. The room he carried you off to was well kept, elegant, crisp and white, unlike deans, and the room you share with sam. In all honesty you didn't know this room even existed in the bunker. You had wandered the halls many times and peeked Into every room so how was it this one slipped your mind? It looked like a picture out of a better Homes and Gardens magazine. It had a beauty guru feel to it.

All those years ago you never thought you'd be back in this same situation. You remember just laying there with no feeling inside. You weren't sure how exactly you were supposed to feel. It's not like there was a book called; how to feel after an angel who was the love of your life promised himself to you then ditched. For dummies.

All you really did was lay in bed and look out the window, or sit in front of the window and just look out it. Your body didn't want to do much. You were going through the motions of moping but then again you didn't know what it was you were going through.

The moment castiel disappeared you knew he wasn't coming back. It took you a week to feel some sort of normal. After some much needed self closure you came to the conclusion that he wasn't coming back. So you decided to feel yourself with anger at first then hatred for castiel. Not only did he break your heart but he locked up! He had put some kind of angel barrier around the house making it literally impossible to even open a window just for some fresh air.Normally angel proofing had little affect on you but he must of used something different.

The second month in isolation you stopped feeling sorry for yourself. No use in crying when you have nothing to cry about right? You didn't want to waste any more time thinking about castiel. All the good times were locked away in a part of your brain with all the bad memories.

Often times you would wander the mansion and just randomly freeze things. It was something better to do with your time then pout. That and it was actually kinda therapeutic to do. You felt empowered in your own element. When were bored of it all you would simply unfreeze everything then start all over.

You spent no time thinking about the man you used to love, and how he used to hold you, touch you, or how he kissed you.

Castiel gently set you down. You turned to face him. He had that look in is eyes again. It had been 4 and a half year but you still knew it. He Cupped your cheek. "(Y/n), don't look at me like that. You make it hard to go through with this when you look so angry at me."

"I'm sorry... I just.... bad memories. Let's just get this over with ok?." You touched his hand that was on your cheek. You pulled away and shimmied your jacket off. You suddenly felt nervous, And your heart began to race.

Castiel swallowed hard then leaned in to kiss you. The kiss was awkward at first, but soon worked itself out. Your hands made their way to his shoulders and you slipped off his trench coat. Without breaking the kiss he took his black blazer off, and let it fall to the Floor with his coat. It felt so good to have you in his arms like this again. You yourself never thought you'd let him this close to you again.

It was like someone opened a flood gate to your memory bank. You ran your hands through his hair and pressed your body firmly up against castiel closing any possible gap between you two. You stared to kiss him just like you used to. At first the kisses were soft and sweet but then became hungry and heated.

Castiel ran his hands up and down your back sending shivers all over your body. Oh how you missed his touch. In perfect sync the two of you were needy with your now open mouth kisses. Your tongues met but never fought only moved together. He had gotten better at kissing and making out. Which made you wonder who was his first... and how many girls did he sleep with after that. He could tell you were feeling self conscious, insecure and comparing yourself to the other women he had slept with.

Run. Castiel x Reader x SamOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant