Chapter 9. Water And A Flame

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One year later.

It was a house divided the first day you moved in. Dean had his angel and sam had his angel. When ever there were hunts the teams had already been predetermined. Castiel was to stick with dean, and you were to stick with sam. Never the two switched. There were things that had changed and things that had stayed the same.

Dean still hated you and you still hated him. You and dean had a perfect kismesis relationship. you definitely still hated cas and he definitely still was in love with you. No matter how many women he got set up with he only desired you. He hated sleeping around so he rarely did. All he could think about was you. He wanted to fix things with you but you still didn't want him anywhere near you.

It made things hard especially since castiel had to help you often times with saving sam from trouble or healing him. Yes you were strong now. You exercised you powers and capabilities, and trained a lot. You were better at controlling the temperature of your body keep the cold from completely seeping out. Yet you were still pretty useless. You were just as helpful as when the angels fell out of heaven. You got tired easily, hurt quickly, and would lose strength fast rendering your powers useless. Depending on how bad the fight was and how long you spent hunting your human side of your body would shut down and you'd fall asleep for a week straight. Your relationship with cas was getting worse. You hated having to depend on him.

As for your relationship with sam it had for sure changed. We're talking full on blossoming. The two of you even shared a room. He had fallen madly in love with you and did the best he can to express it. There was a lot of problems at first but nothing he couldn't work out. Sam was really good at that. There was nothing he wasn't willing to do to make you and him work.

Of course he wasn't happy with some of the things that the two of you had to sacrifice. For instance he couldn't hold you when it was bedtime only unless he was already bundled up for winter. There was no kissing, no real touching, and no sex. You felt bad. What good was it to have a girlfriend when all you could really do is talk and look at her? Countless times you tried to break up, but it never worked. He would just brush it off and ask you to come back to bed and you would. He never used you or I it was always we and us. The two of you were supposed to be in it together but apart of you was fully in it. Sam was different than he was a year ago. You loved sam you truly did but you were beginning to think maybe he loved you more than you loved him.


It was a semi normal day at the bunker there was two days before a big hunt down in texas. There were two nest of vampires who decided to come together with the help of some powerful demons. They were taking humans faster than before. One could only wonder how long that could take.

A bit more on edge than usual you were feeling nervous about this big hunt. You hadn't been to texas in 4 or 5 years.Texas was your home. That's where you were before castiel took you off to Kansas. The odds of you running into your parents was highly likely. They were really good hunters! There was a chance you could see them already on the case.

You and dean were in the kitchen. You were sitting at the table drinking a glass of water, and dean was eating his breakfast. He could tell something was up with you but didn't care enough to ask. So he decided to talk shit instead. "Don't worry I'm sure you'll screw this one up like you always do."

You huffed, "Shut up dean."

"Is that the best you can do? Wow that was almost as good as your hunting. And we all know your pretty shitty at that so." He kept eating. Not looking at you while he threw insults at you.

You slammed your hands on the table. Your kismesis looked at you. "I said shut up. Look I get I'm pretty shitty at what I do, but I can still hold my own."

Run. Castiel x Reader x Samحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن