Chapter 3. Unbreak My Heart

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It was late at night and you found yourself restless in bed. Your mom and dad decided to sleep in the upstairs guest bedroom so that they were closer to you. Your mother was still shaken up about the man's voice she heard in your bathroom and your father was still confused as to why you were wearing the shower curtain.

After what seemed to be hours of tossing and turning you thought of praying. "I can't sleep and now is a good time for me to see you. You don't have to hide from me castiel." The sounds of wings fluttering filled your bedroom. Right Before your eyes stood castiel. He held his serious face as he made eye contact with you. "Hello again (y/n)."

You shyly smiled at him.


It had been roughly six months since you'd met castiel. It was awkward at first getting to know the angel but after the first week he pretty much became your best friend. Of course you kept him hidden from your parents. Oh if they knew they'd flip and try to kill the angel. Seeing your parents were hunters and would hunt anything that tried to kill their daughter.

Your parents felt bad enough for have already cursing you with your power. The last thing they wanted was for someone to kill because of it. Castiel seemed to understand well. He never pressed you any further about it.

Often times you'd come back up to your room after home school lessons to find him already waiting for you. It became a routine. You'd talk about your lessons, the latest tv drama, and sing to him. Castiel loved your singing. Especially when it was bed time.

However tonight was different. You laid in bed and castiel slowly made his way over to you and crawled in next to you. He ever so gently laid his head on your chest and listened to your heart. For as long as he's known you, he could never quite figure out how someone so cold could have such a beautiful heart. He touched your chilly skin and Your breath became shaky.

Ice slowly ate up the beds headboard with every gentle touch of his. His strokes were soft and sweet but he never touched you inappropriately. The first time he touched you with such care you were terrified. No one had ever done that before. It was new and exciting to you. Everyone outside your house you had contact with were scared of you. You were mostly exiled by others. Whenever castiel touched you it made you forget any pain and negative feelings you had.

Castiel could feel how cold the room grew. Your shaky breaths were know visible to him. He cupped your face and grazed your lips with his thumb. "Do you feel my warmth?" All you could do was nod, earning a smile from him. "I can hear your heart when I touch you. How crazy it pounds for me. Why is that?" Your eyes were half lidded and dazed by his beautiful blue eyes. Grabbing one of his hands you turned to it and lightly kissed his fingertips. "Because I love you castiel."

He shivered and swallowed hard, "become one with me (y/n). Take of my grace and be one with me forever and you'll never be lonely again. I'll take you to heaven with me and we'll be together and never apart."

"Yes! A thousand times yes. Anything for you my love!" You nodded madly.

He kissed your forehead loving. "Good. On your dresser is a gift. Hand crafted by angels and made just for you. It's a ceremonial dress put it on and meet back here." You quickly got up and picked up the beautiful glittery gift box waiting for you where he said it be. You undressed and slipped it on. The dress magically laced itself up for you. The gown was the most incredible thing you've ever seen. It was long and white. The dress was made from, silk and chiffon, had beautiful beading, pearls and sparkled.

Castiel's jaw dropped as you walked to him. He polity held his hand out and you gladly took it. He smiled, you kissed his hand and winked.

"Now then, I have a place setup for you and I. We'll have to stay there for the time being, till I know you're completely in touch with my grace."

You smiled at him. "Do what you must. I am at your command."

Castiel zapped the two of you to what seemed to be a main room in a mansion. In front of you was an alter. You started at what looked to be a pure silver champagne glass with Diamonds in the stem. You picked up the glass without even thinking about. "What is this for?"

"For my blood, You must drink it." Castiel brushed his fingers over the glass and like magic it was filled to the brim with his blood.

You looked at him with fear. Unsure if you wanted to go through with it. "Castiel I don't think-"

"Yes you can (y/n)." He gave you his stern voice.

With a deep breath you brought the glass to your lips and drank from it. His blood was thick and rich and heavy in iron. It took all of your strength to keep from gagging. You shut your eyes tight swallowing the rest of the blood in your mouth. In an instant you could fill a presence within you. Your brain was maxed with intelligence you never knew was possible. Your body felt lighter, and your power felt stronger yet a bit easier for you to control. Your eyes glowed the blue hue showing you were an angel, then went back to your normal eye color.

You immediately looked at castiel and could see his angelic hue from within his vessel and he could see the beginning of yours. Taking a step back from him, you made your hand dance and created a beautiful snow pattern. You made snow. Never before had you actually made snow with your hands. You could only just freeze things and make ice. The snow would only happen when you froze a room, and it was never something you could make on its own.

Castiel felt his heart melt at your beautiful smile. He cursed himself for feeling this human emotion he couldn't understand. How could he not fall for you? After all you were beautiful, young, and naive. He knew it was wrong to feel this way. He was on a mission to keep the other angles and any demons from taking you against your will. He knew good and well what your fate was for told to be if he didn't step in. angels wanted you dead, and demons wanted to abuse your power. He couldn't let anyone hurt such a beautiful human. No one was to ever lay eyes on you again. Not even your parents. He made sure to angel and demon proof the mansion and keep it off the grid from any other hunters. He had a mission... and it wasn't part of his mission to fall in love with you, but at last he did.

Castiel put a warm hand on your cheek, catching your attention. He softly kissed you with all his heart. A single tear slipped from your eye. "Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?"

You giggled, "I'm just so madly in love with you castiel."

Every Time you said his name he felt weak in his knees and his heart would beat wildly. He couldn't help but kiss over and over again. With each loving kiss he gave he found himself wanting more and more you. He made the glass in your hand disappear so he could wrap you in his arms and deepen the kiss. There was only one step left to complete your becoming an angel and that was for you to give yourself to him.

As if you read his mind you broke the kiss and softly spoke, "fill me with your grace." He nodded and with in a swift movement he carried you in his arms and took you upstairs. He knew he couldn't go through with it. He knew it be wrong. He had a mission.

Castiel gently laid you on the bed. He looked deep into your eyes and read every thought you had. He realized you had completely and totally had surrender yourself to him. It was wrong and he knew it. He kissed you doing the best to get swept up in you. The angel kissed you a couple more times then pulled away slowly. You opened your eyes and looked at him with want. He shook off his own desire and stood up quickly. This caused you to sit up quickly. "My love?" He looked at you with a puppy dog face and walked over to the bedroom door. Still sitting on the bed you moved closer to the edge and held out your hand for him to take. He closed his eyes and walked out the door and shut it. "MY love!?" You desperately called out to him

Castiel ignored your pleas for him as he locked the main door to the mansion with a special key. He let his forehead touch the special door and let out a shaky breath. His heart sunk and stung. There was a lump in his throat that he was trying to keep down. He could feel your heart how it ached and cried out for his. He could see the look on your face and it killed him. He could feel the mansion become cold.

He brought a hand to his chest. Castiel just broke his own heart.

Run. Castiel x Reader x SamDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora