Chapter 6. Remember When

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Castiel returned back to the destroyed mansion in desperate hopes of finding you there. He could feel you but he couldn't figure out where it was you were at. Something was causing him to be thrown off but he wasn't sure what was causing it. He sighed heavily and then something caught his eye in foyer.

It sparkled and glittered from the sunlight pouring itself in from a smashed window. It was pure white like the marble flooring. His heart sank, as he delicately picked up the object that caught his eye. It was the gown he gave you. It had been ripped off and discarded like it meant nothing to you. He brought the eloquent own up to his body and held it like he used to hold you. "Where are you (y/n)?" He whispered softly to no one.

Still holding his gift to you, his eyes and head followed every inch of the foyer. His head was spinning and so was the room. Castiel whisked himself to your old bedroom in your parents house. It still looked the same, just slightly dusty. Nothing had been moved and nothing had been touched. After you disappeared your parents never went into your room and the never looked for you. They just assumed Crowley came for you and they knew there was nothing that they could do. All they could do was feel hollow. Little did they know you were locked up for safe keeping for 3 years.

The angel placed your gown on a decorative chair he used to sit in all the time. He closed his eyes replaying, and reliving all the beautiful memories that were made In this very room.

Castiel p.o.v

It was the first week I'd known (y/n), and she'd seem to be no threat to herself or anyone else. When she was sleeping I would watch her closely and I couldn't find anything dark inside her. She was just a girl. All ice power aside, she seemed to be a normal teenager. She was bubbly, talkative, and passionate around me. Before I was around she was lonely. People who did know her feared her power. She wasn't aloud to go to school because she had no control over her power and it would be set of if she felt nervous, scared, or anxious.

I was to see to that she be put somewhere safe. Some of the angels back in the garrison saw her as a threat and a danger to God's children. She was an abomination to most of them. She was tainted with the blood of khoine goddess of snow, by the king of hell himself. "There is only one true god, and she nor any of the other wretched descendants of Greek mythology gods were him." They would argue. The poor girl was innocent and paying a price for something she had no say in.

It had been said that it was an order from God that she be smited and taken to purgatory, where she would face her sins and be purified. How could someone so beautiful who kept to themselves and believed in the Lord and all his angels be forced to face such treason? She had no wrongdoings! Every night I would overhear her prayer and she always asked for someone to love her, God's forgiveness just in case she offended him or acted unjust and every night he would forgive her and call her his child.

How could our father who forgave have such lurid plans for her the virtuous. These were not god's plans. No, these were plans from the fierce and absolute... from an archangel. I had to keep her safe. God would want her to be safe. So it became my mission an unspoken mission from our father to protect her at all cost.

(Y/n) was so naive then. So young, so trusting, so precious. Every day after home school she'd come up to her room and threw herself into her plush bed, sweetly say my name, and I'd come to her. The look she had in her eyes back then was a spark, a flame that I wanted to keep lit. I never want that spark to die. She was such a delightful and beautiful gift to the world and especially to me.

I'd listen to her go on and on about the things she saw on TV shows and, her favorite fashion trends, places she wanted to travel, and me. Her devotion for me and my adoration for her was my motivation to run of from sam and dean and back to her time after time. It was to the point where she didn't have to call out for me because I was always there waiting for her to come up to her room after her lessons.

Run. Castiel x Reader x Samजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें