(IX) "I Know, That You Know I Ain't Cheatin,' Baby"

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     The phone call the broken girl had been waiting for finally came late into the night. It was brief but incorporated the only two words she needed to hear.

"Come over."

For an hour, Nya sat up actually thinking about it. But eventually she got out of bed, kissed her sleeping daughter and mother goodbye and was on her way to Michael's condo. Thinking over her initial reaction to seeing him, she was riding more than fifteen miles over the speed limit.

Once her car parked, she took a deep breath to exhale any anger that she could. She didn't want to fight. Talking was all her lethargic body could handle so late into the night.

But as she drew closer to the door, her heart began to race and she swelled up in adrenaline. But what was actually behind the door was the total opposite of what she prepared herself for.

Nya gasped at the beautiful scene. Small tea lights created a trail up the stairs along with red rose petals spaced about. She followed the heavenly path which stopped her in front of his bedroom door.

Once again, she was surprised to see what was behind it. A sleeping Michael.

The mass amount of candlelight flickered in Nya's eyes as she made her way over to him. "Hey," she said brushing her hand against his hair.

Michael smiled before opening his eyes. "I didn't think you were coming. Sorry."

Nya couldn't rid the smile on her face. "You did all of this for me?"

"For us." Michael sat up and kissed her sweetly on the very tip of her nose.

Nya giggled and dived in for his lips. "What is this all about?"

"I'll be right back. But there's a gift for you in the bathroom."

Nya frowned towards Michael as he strolled out the room with a tricky grin.

Michael was a romantic guy and knew plenty of gestures to speak the words 'I'm sorry' just perfectly. Nya didn't want him to think this would make her forget everything without an explanation. But she wanted to save her voice for the morning. So she made her way into the bathroom to see a wrapped present sitting on the sink.

The paper crumbled and tore apart as she clawed her way around the rectangular box. She lifted the top slowly and couldn't help but to laugh when she saw the laced pieces sitting so properly inside.

The red bra dangled from her finger as she held it the air to examine it. "What the hell?"

Nya peeked around the corner and Michael was still vacant.

There was some hindering thoughts but she decided to entertain his idea and put the skimpy get up on.

The lingerie painted onto her body with perfection. A few minutes were allocated to her just admiring herself in the mirror.

On the other side of the door came Michael's footsteps. "Hey," she said, concealing half her body still in the bathroom.

Michael turned back and laughed. "Hey. Did you get your present?"

"Mm-hm," she said nodding.

"So come out then."

Nya looked him up and down. Michael was still dressed in his casual attire he probably spent the whole day in. "Why do I look like this and you look like that?"

Michael had no explanation to give. "Would you just come out?"

Nya was in an unusual state. She felt a little nervous albeit this is what she always pictured herself doing, dressing up as temptation to lure Michael to her needs.

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