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Stripes POV

I watch as the big white cloud covers a blue sky while I lay at the green grass below at the big tree that's not so far from the campus. I just recently found this place here and it somehow sooth me, so it's cool. I think I need this kind of place and to be alone. The fact that I still have a crashed heart which happened not to long ago.

My girlfriend broke up with me without good reason like damn! I feel like I was cheated a hundred times. But fuck those day all I need is some time and this ache will soon be gone.

" la lala la lala la...... La lala " ( thousand years tune) wait? Why am I singing this song? That reminds me of that weird guy awhile ago. I feel sorry about that guy . I was not just in a mood that time and you know why, well I think I just say sorry to him later.

" ahh!! " why am I having headaches everyday? I think this happen when you drink to much. Yeah! I think I'll say sorry later.




Ugh! Our class just finished and I didn't even understand the discussion earlier because of this lance guy here. He just don't want to stop mumbling and talking to me, the prof even warn us a few times.

" so what now? Do you still have any class? If not we can go home together. " he said as I walk down at the stair while he follows me down.

I didn't mind him and just continue to walk down, I'm still pissed off. Now I want to push him on this stair for him to fall down so that he will break some bones.

" oh, come on, you're still mad at me? " he ask while still following me. Now the other student is watching us because of him that keeps on blocking my way. " okay, I'm sorry. I did wrong earlier, peace " he apologize and make a peace sign while showing his smirking face and..... I gave up.

" ugh! Okay okay. Now move because I'm going home now. " and I immediately walk away.

" wait, can we go together? " he ask.

" go together where? " me

" home. " he replied " and I can ride you home " he said. Woah? He had his own car? This guy is some how rich. Oh? I forgot, this is a school for rich people and I'm the only one here is poor. Haha. It's because of my crazy mom that's why I came here.

" are you sure? But I can just take a taxi " I shyly said. Hah! Why did I suddenly became jelly.

" oh come on. Let's go ! " and he pulled me.

He is so energetic I don't know why and it feels like he's not thinking that we just met earlier. Weird guy. Very weird that a guy like him is more gayish than me, wait? Was that even a word? Or wait? Don't tell me he's gay? Ugh! Bad ajhay!

We arrived at the gate of our house and I thank him " wait ? No kiss? " he ask, and I suddenly choked out like I'm out of air.

" WHAT?! " I asked. And he laugh so hard while holding his stomach. This fool " ugh !! Whatever, " and I slam the door close but still can here his laugh. Now he ruined my mood again. And I entered.

Oh? I was surprised of what I saw, a chocolate milk on the table and it was like my eyes is sparkling like star in the dark wide sky. Mom, I am so love you. Now I won't feed you with my thirst anymore. I immediately went to it and I saw I paper with I message on my chocolate milk. " I will be late, just Cook whatever you want. Love, your very beautiful and sexy mom " ugh! She forgot to put and crazy mom.
The night went well, I finished all my work and to study. I think I can do Facebook now.

Oh? 1 friend request . Lance Mathew. Lance? Like that crazy guy? I scan his account and his profile pic, oh my ghawd! Topless! And that six pack. Ugg! Now I'm becoming like a pervert here. Why did he even added me? Well, I'm not a snob so confirm!

And goodnight.


* message sound *


Author interruption

Hey. Thank you for reading, hit vote or comment. Haha.. I don't think if this is a good chapter. Haha

Thank you.

MY WEIRD STALKER (boyxboy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora