Chapter 10: I'll See You Soon...

Começar do início

"Kyo-nii-san...what are dinner?.." Louis asked as he went inside the kitchen, wanting to help his older brother cook or something.

"Ah..chicken curry..why do you ask?" Ukyo asked without breaking contact with the curry he is currently cooking.

"Can..I some..point?.." Louis slightly tilted his head to the side, innocently asking his older brother.

"Ah..Can you make the orange juice then? The oranges are already ready there in the counter..I guess you already know how to do it, right?" Ukyo asked, assuring if Louis knows how to make the orange juice.

"Un.." Louis nodded as an answer and headed to the counter to make the orange juice for every brother. While squeezing some oranges, his mind trailed off to the recent dreams he was having.


"Lou-chan! Can you handle this customer?" Kristina asked to the beautician,having a female customer beside the manager.

"Sure..." Louis answered as he guided the customer to a seat. "What perhaps..are you..going to..take?.." Louis asked the customer, what treatment was she going to have.

"I would just want to trim the ends of my hair please.." The girl smiled at him, a tint of blush dusting her cheeks.

The man also smiled as a reply."As you wish.."


"Well It's time to go home now, Take care~!" The manager bid farewell to her staff, as Louis too, left the parlor shop but as he turned to his front, he saw an elegant figure who passed by him. The human easily caught Louis' attention ,though, what surprised him the most was the statement of what he or she have said..

End of daydream...

"I'll see you soon.." Louis muttered as he smoothly left his day dreaming and finished making the orange juices for his brothers.

"What was that Louis?.." Louis heard the second brother question him. It seemed he had heard him mutter.

"Ah..nandemonai...Kyo-nii-san.." Louis replied with a small smile, silly of him to carelessly mutter something out. "Ah..I'm also finished.. juicing the oranges..Kyo-nii-san.." He reminded as he headed to the sink to wash his sticky hands caused by the pulp of the oranges.

"Ah that's good. Thank you Louis.." Kyo-nii-san thanked and slightly smiled at the eighth brother.

"I'll my" Louis excused himself before he quietly headed out of the kitchen and walked in the elevator. Pressing the 6th floor button(not sure by the way) the elevator doors closed smoothly. While waiting, he shift some of his weight to his other foot once in a while. Soon, after waiting, the elevator doors finally opened and he was greeted by the 12th son, Fuuto.

"Ah..Okairi nasai..Louis-nii.." Fuuto shortly greeted, not that much of the type to greet someone.

"Tadaima...Fuu-kun.." The older brother greeted back as soon as he exited the elevator, and went beside Fuu-kun and patted his head. " taking..good care..of yourself?.." Louis asked with alight concern, knowing very well that this younger brother has rough times doing his work and his studies at the same time.

"I'm fine Louis-nii..just a bit tired..but I can still manage to work.." Fuuto answered and was followed by a slight yawn. Louis gave a small smile to him.

"Don't..overwork yourself..okay?.." The older brother reminded as he kissed his hair and waved to him goodbye, for he was going to his studio again. (SHIP SPOTTED)

Finally entering his room, he flicked the lights open, showing his barely used room. Still having the same cleanliness and positions of things and furniture. He only formed a small smile before he closed the door behind him.

He placed his bag unto his desk then walked to his closet and pulled out his lavender striped pajamas. He grabbed his white towel which had his own name embedded on it. 'A quick shower wouldn't hurt' He thought to himself as he grabbed his necessities and clothes before heading out to the 5th floor's bathroom. As he walked down the hallway he was soon greeted by Ema.

"Ah..Chii-chan.." He greeted out gently.

"Ah Louis-san,Okairi..." She greeted him with her usual smile.

"Mm.." Louis waved his hand to her as he slowly walked away and headed towards the bathroom.
After a few minutes he was finally done at washing himself and he was already in his room, packing the right amount of clothes and necessities. Don't worry he's not leaving permanently ,he's just packing his things cause he has to go to South Korea because for the tour and they also assigned him as their beautician..

*Knock Knock*

"Louis-nii-san..dinner's ready.." He heard the tenth son, Iori, called on the other side of the door. (Another ship for both are the gentle types <333)

"Coming!.."(Who else thought of something wrong?) He said as loudly as he could so the other brother would be able to hear him from the other side.

"We'll be waiting downstairs.." Iori replied and soon enough he heard his footsteps go quiet, he left...

"Well I..guess I better..Go down..I don't want..them to wait..long.." He mumbled to himself and went outside of his room and headed down to the dining room.

"Konbawa.." The man greeted as he formed a small smile to them.

"Konbawa Lou-chan~" Louis heard Kaname and Tsubaki greeted him at the same time, he responded with a short wave of his hand.

"Konbawa..Kaname-nii-san..Tsubaki-nii-san.." The eighth brother smiled as he sat beside Ukyo.

"Well everyone is here already...Let's eat..." The second eldest stated, declaring that they could start eating already.

"Ittadakimasu!~" All of them greeted before they started eating.

. . .

After they all ate, some of the older brothers stayed downstairs for a little conversation. Louis decided to sleep already for the upcoming flight tomorrow afternoon.

He covered himself with the blanket and lied his head on his soft pillow. 'Ah..I miss my pillow..I mostly sleep on either the couch or the floor...' He slightly chuckled(THAT CHUCKLE THO <3). He slowly closed his eyes and let himself drift into sleep...


~*Louis' PoV*~

I'm always on this dream..I wonder why? Is this a sign?..Will I ever see this mysterious person?..

"Lou-chan! Please treat this customer!" Kristina called out to me as usual.

"Hai.." I answered with the usual smile and treated the customer with care. Soon enough my dream skipped to the part where I began to exit the parlor and soon enough saw the mysterious person. I tried to control myself and turned this dream into a lucid dream, I grabbed the mysterious person's wrist and turned the person around and made him face me. And there I saw it...

It was a man with beautiful ocean blue eyes...He also had long, gray and braided hair which suits him very well and I also caught the statement he always told me...

End of Dream...

I smiled to myself as I opened my mouth to mumble the words that never failed to make me happy...

"I'll see you soon..."



HEEYYYYYAAAAA I KNOW YOU MISS THIS SO MUCH IM VERRY SORRY IF YOU WAITED FOR A LONG TIME BUT I STILL LOVE YOU MINNA-CHII! and oh---ehem..Tomorrow is the birthday of the lovely twins Tsubaki and Azusa <3 Happy New Year Minna-chii! I'm also making a Kidou Yuuto x Reader fanfic..might as well check it out soon..well that's all minna-chii! Stay lovely! Baiiii

Forbidden Love(boyxboy)[BroCon Yaoi Fanfic][DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora