Part Ten: Strange Happenings

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America, Present Day

A girl walked down a busy street in Atlanta. Her hair whipped around her face as she made her way downtown. It was a windy day, but the sun was bright. This particular day, the girl was on her way to the Georgia Aquarium, where she was to begin an internship that day. The large building loomed ahead, casting a shadow on the girl's face, but shadows could not hide the smile that crossed it. She had waited for a year and a half, since her seventeenth birthday. Her steps quickened as she got closer to the aquarium. The doors were almost within reach...wait. What was that on the door handle? It felt strange. A shaped groove, but shaped like what? Ah well. The girl pulled the door open. Or she tried to. It wouldn't budge. Funny. I was sure they said to be here at 8...maybe it's the wrong door? Oh! There's one! There was, indeed, another door, half hidden behind some bushes. That must be the staff entrance. So Beth Hill looked straight ahead, exuding confidence she didn't quite feel. She made her way to the door and took the handle. Beth expected to open it to see her dream of working in the aquarium come true before her eyes.

She got something else entirely.

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