Part Two: The Generals

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The three men attending the meeting were the highest in the Roman military. Tiberius, Sarah's adoptee brother was one of them. The others were named Hermanus and Justinus. Hermanus was a brave, strong man, but if he hadn't served Sarah's father, she would never have elevated him to the position he now held. He was too brutal. Some of his men found solace on his harsh training and treatment, but it scarred others. Good men had been discarded from the army because of Hermanus. Justinus was a man of intelligence. He was brilliant, strong, and a dear friend. He pushed his men....but not too much. Justinus was the best man Sarah had ever met. There might even have been a match made, if Sarah had not been made Empress. Tiberius was of somewhat few words. He studied people, studied situations. Sometimes too much. He could bring in recruits for Rome's military in a matter of hours, yet he, like Sarah, had been brought up on stories of Julius Caesar's betrayal. The three were already sitting at a low table in the atrium of Sarah's palace. All rose when she entered, arrayed in red and white. She straightened herself to be even imposing than usual, and looked each man in the eye. What she found there might determine the meeting, after all. In Tiberius' eyes she found shared experience. Memories of Augustus mostly. In Hermanus' face she found fire and blood and war. All he had seen, and the resolve to win. Justinus...goodness. He's always had the most interesting eyes. And he did. The clarity of truth, the depth of intelligence, the sparkle of joy. Sarah came back to reality in an instant. Meeting. War. Right. She sat in the place of highest honor, as was proper. She wasted no more time in beginning: "Gentlemen, this infernal war has gone on for longer than I care to mention. The enemy is getting closer to Rome. We need to put a stop to this. What do we have?" Hermanus cleared his throat and began, obviously having prepared a long-winded exposition. And long-winded it was. Most of it was pointless elaboration on his plan: a frontal attack. It was an audacious suggestion, exactly like Hermanus. Yet.... there was one thing he seemed to overlook...

The cost of life.

Sarah looked at Hermanus questioningly. "Have you considered the cost of life for a frontal attack?"
Hermanus waved a hand. "A very small one, compared to the possible gain." "Meaning?" "Meaning...a few thousand." Sarah knew it would be something like that. Though, she had never quite gotten used to hearing of all the death involved with her job. Unlike many Romans, she saw each human as a life, rare and beautiful. Yet I must cut so many lives short. What I wouldn't give for a plan where... "Nobody should die!" It was Justinus. Good man. Sarah turned her head to him, prepared to listen to his plan. But he wasn't looking at a map, or into space with visions of glory. He was looking at her. "Empress, I respectfully ask that you consider retreat. The loss of life from an attack at this time might be catastrophic. I suggest a retreat into the countryside, where we can ready for an ambush." Hermanus looked shocked that someone would dare contradict him. Secretly, Sarah loved it. Hermanus puffed up a little and broke into another spiel. "But the might of Rome might be questioned by retreat....." Blah blah blah. Tiberius finally stopped it. "Enough!" He looked directly at his sister. "I agree with Hermanus that the attack is better. But the choice is yours, Empress." Well that makes it harder. Thanks for nothing, Tiberius. Then again....he might be more knowledgeable about the subject...alright. "Very well. I trust you, my brother. Go and do as you see fit." Sarah didn't look Justinus in the face. She knew he would be hurt. He would understand, wouldn't he? Sarah job was to do what was best for the empire, after all. Even so, she hated what it was making her do. Playing dangerous games of conquest with living pieces, choosing between her brother and the man she might just....

No. Not today.

This is a picture of Tiberius, Sarah Octavia's adopted brother.

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