Chapter 4- Realize That!

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While her attention had been on the Iron Dragon, Frea was blown away by a very powerful blast of magic and she landed hard, struggling to push herself up. She stiffened when she saw one of the creatures from the corner of her eye, dangerously close to the village, and she saw a young man, roughly Lucy's age, pinned up between the approaching monster, and a half-destroyed building. The boy's dark blue eyes were wide in fear as he stood there, trapped.

Frea hissed in pan as he forced herself to her feet, just as the beast leaned its head back and sucked in air, preparing shoot fire from its mouth as another creature had done earlier. All in a second, Frea rushed in front of the young man and crossed her arms out in front of her.

"Energy Shield!"

Boy's POV

The boy backed up and felt his back press up against stone, he was pinned, and his heart beat faster. He was going to die, this creature was going to kill him. He shut his eyes tight as fire began to appear in the creature's mouth, as he silently hoped that his death would be quick.

"Energy Shield!"

His eyes flew open to see the female Fairy Tail Mage in front of him. Her silver Magic shot from her hands and created a wall just in front of them as the flames spread out. The fire was easily blocked by her Magic, the light of red and orange clashing with silver in a spectacular way as it illuminated the night for a moment, and he stared in awe.

He had been watching the Fairy Tail Mages fight, and as night settled over the village, it had become harder and harder to see anything. But she had been clearly visible the entire time, her silver Magic blazing around her body and making her glow in the dark sheet of night that had fallen.

Her eyes were narrowed in concentration, and her strange silver orbs for eyes seemed to glow with the fire within them. Being this close, the boy could feel the immense amount of Magic Power coming from her, and he froze. He had never felt something so strong before...

Frea's POV

Frea let her Shield drop as soon as the flames disappeared and she leaned back to suck in air. "That was a pathetic Breath attack!" Frea growled as she clenched her fists, and she felt her Magic blaze brighter and stronger. "This is a real one!"

"Roar of the Energy Dragon!" She yelled as her tornado of spinning silver Magic spiraled out and engulfed the creature, destroying it and easily killing a few more of the monsters that got caught in the attack. She was becoming extremely annoyed, her body ached and the creatures keeping on coming wasn't helping to improve her mood.

She sprang forward and started slashing through the creatures, the longer she fought, the more tired and sloppy she became. She got hit a few more times but she kept fighting. This was a job and she was going to finish it, god damnit!

Gajeel's POV

Gajeel grunted as he was hit from behind and sent forward, the number of monsters had dwindled down to very few with the continued fighting. He let out a growl as he pushed himself up and winced at the pain in his back, turning, his eyes widened. The largest on any of the creatures had come from the trees, standing one-story high with sharp claws, and a thin tail with razor sharp spikes covering it.

He sweatdropped at the sight, he was already low on Magic Energy and he had gotten hit more times than he liked, so much that it hurt to move. Lily was nowhere in sight, neither was Silver. The creature let out a deafening roar and sprang forward. Gajeel hit it in the face with his iron club but he was easily thrown away from a swipe of the creatures paw.

He could hear the creatures tail slicing through the air as he struggled to push himself up for the second time, and he knew that the spiked tail was getting closer to him.

Energy Magic [Fairy Tail]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu