Chp 15. Preperation

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Percy's P.O.V.

Oh my gods!

Oh my gods!

Oh my gods!

No way!

Tomorrow night!

Oh my gods! Was all I could think!

I have to get packed! I have to go tell the boys!

Annabeth and I stood there frozen.

"Uuummm.... I'm going to go tell Chiron and pack."She mumbled as she ran inside

I took off to my cabin to pack my stuff but first I needed to find Jason, Leo, and Nico.

I found Jason at sword training, Leo in the forges, and Nico was spying on Jasmine.

"So what happened?"Jason asked as they followed me into my cabin

"We are leaving tomorrow! For three days in some fancy hotel in East Manhattan! Three days!!" I replied

"So you're telling me that you are going to BANG Annabeth for three days Straight!"Leo said

"Yes, but it's not like that!"I said glaring at Leo

"Who set all this up?"Asked Nico

"Apollo." I said

"Aaahhh.... I remember him. I will NEVER ride in his sun chariot again! I really hope that's not the transportation he has provided for you both!" Nico said

"Ha! That would suck!" I said

"What are you both talking about?!"Jason and Leo asked

"Long story!" I said


Annabeth's P.O.V.

I ran to get some Aphrodite girls. I needed help!

I decided to get Jasmine and Piper because I didn't want to go to extremes.

I also invited Alexis too just because she was my friend.

They all were so excited when I told them what was going to happen and were ecstatic to help me pack.

Piper and Jasmine had brought a bag of stuff from the Aphrodite cabin to help.

"Soooo..." Alexis asked with a smirk "You going to do it on the first night?"

"Well...." I said while blushing "I don't really know yet.."

"We are going to pack you for all three nights anyways!" Jasmine said with a smirk also

"Yeah!" Piper said while starting to laugh "I'm sure Percy will be really eager and already corrupted by Leo enough to do it the first night!"

"What about Jason?" Alexis said with a wink

"Oh please! Jason would be too much of a sissy to corrupt Percy!" She said

"Haha!" I said "That's true! He wouldn't even touch you on the first night!"

"Hey! Don't be mean!" Piper said

"Well I brought this!" Jasmine said

She held up a teal size C extra push-up bra with black lace along with a matching thong.

"Wow!" Alexis said

"Oh my gods!" I said "I can't pull that off!"

"That's why you'll be trying everything on for us!" Piper said with a fake wink

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