Chp 13. Nightmares

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Percy's P.O.V.

I kissed Annabeth goodnight and made my way to my cabin, #3.

I heard footsteps and turned to see Jason and Nico walking up behind me.

"Hey Percy!" Nico yelled

"Hey guys" I said as they came up on both sides of me

"So how are y'all doing?" I asked

"Well.. Piper is still hot." Jason said

"Haha. Anything else?" I asked with a grin

"Nico has something..." Jason said with a grin

"What did you do now?!" I said

"Nico has a little crush." Jason said

Nico turned away and I could tell he was blushing.

"Who?" I said with a grin

He had always been a little buddy of mine and I cared about him.

He was 16 now. If I had passed before then now it would be his turn to make the big devision. I'm really glad he didn't go through that. I don't know if he could have made it.

Even though he was 3 years younger than me, he was still one of my best friends.

"Jasmine.." He mumbled

"Oh man! Are you serious?!" I yelled

"Hey!" He said jumping on my back "Shut up! Not everyone needs to know."

"Sorry man." I said

"So she's an Aphrodite chick right?" I asked

"Yeah..." He mumbled

"Go for it man! She's good looking." Jason said

"Not as hot as Annabeth!" I said

"Not uh! She is way better looking than Annabeth!" Nico snapped back

"Piper beats them all!" Jason said

"Heck no!!!!" I said

"Oh heck yes!!" Jason said

"Oh you wanna go!" I said pulling out my sword/pen

"Why not!" He said throwing his coin up and catching the newly transformed sword

"Hey guys!" Nico said "Cut it out!"

I turned and looked at him same as Jason.

"Oh... Sorry." We both said

"Let's just go guys." Nico said "It's lights out anyways."

"Fine." I said "Night Jason, Night Nico!"

They said their goodbyes too and I walked into my cabin.

I got ready for bed and plopped down in my bunk.

All I thought about was Annabeth.

I only had to have one flashback and her two nightmares. Without us sleeping together this shouldn't take long at all.

I missed having Annabeth snuggled up beside me. Her warmth and body against mine.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I loved her.


I woke up with a jolt.

Something was wrong.

I got up and pulled on some gym shorts over my boxers and took off to the Athena cabin.

I got there and vigorously knocked on the door.

Malcolm, her second in command opened the door.

"Where's Annabeth?" I said barging in

I ignored him and made my way over to her bunk.

She sat there shivering and mumbling.

"Annabeth..." I said kneeling in front of her

She kept mumbling about darkness and monsters.

"Hey babe.. It's me, Percy."

"Percy... Percy... Gone." She started crying and shivering to an extreme

I took a blanket and wrapped it around her.

I climbed into her bunk and held her in my lap. "Ssshhhhhh....." I said soothingly

Her shivering started to slow and she eventually fell asleep.

One of her sisters came over to me.

"I know you guys aren't allowed to sleep together but we do have an extra bunk if you want to stay in here to keep an eye on her." She said

"Thanks." I said "That would be great."

I slowly got up and later Annabeth down on the pillow while covering her with a blanket.

I kissed her forehead and followed her sister as she guided me to the empty bunk.

"Thanks again." I said

"No problem, my name is Roxie." She said

"Oh yeah, I recognize you. You were new here last summer right?"

"Yeah" Roxie answered

We sat there in silence for a second.

"She really loves you." Roxie blurted out

I smiled.

"I also know that that was her first nightmare out of two right?"

"Yeah..." I answered

"She talks about you all the time, how long have you been dating?" Roxie questioned

"4 years in August."

"Wow! That's a long time." She replied

"I know, I can't believe it myself."

"Well I'm right over in that bunk if you need anything." She gestured "or Malcolm is two bunks down."

"Thanks and goodnight Roxie."

"Goodnight Percy."

I laid in the bunk and stared over at Annabeth.

One down, one to go.

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