Chp 14. The Plans

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Annabeth's P.O.V.


We were in a circle fighting them off, Percy by my side.

We were back in the Titan war.

I turned to see Ethan Nakamura turning toward Percy's back with that trajectory he would hit him directly in the spine at the small of his back.

I felt a rush if shivers. I couldn't let him hurt Percy.

Did I love him?

I took a leap in front of the dagger going towards Percy. It went in my shoulder or near and in a flash I was on the ground letting out a blood curling scream.

I needed Percy.

He turned around towards me with a look of anger and fear in his eyes and everything went blurry.


I sat up holding my shoulder and crying.

What was going on?

I remembered Percy face as he looked at my wound when I felt hard and muscular arms wrapping around me. The familiar smell of the salty ocean and sea green eyes looking down on me.

I buried my face into his chest while he comforted me and kissed my head and made soothing noises.

He made me feel safe. Everything was fine. It was just a nightmare.

A nightmare!

That's one.

"Annabeth..." Percy said "You are ok. The nightmare is over."

"Percy..." I mumbled as I snuggled into his neck "what time is it?"

"Annabeth, it's 6:00 in the morning. You had two nightmares last night." He answered

What?! I had TWO nightmares in ONE night! Since when does that happen?

Percy had two yesterday after the meeting. All he needs is ONE more!!!

I'm not ready for this! I won't be good at it! I'm not that good looking or physically attractive!!!!

"Annabeth, I'm going to go get ready. I'll see you in about a hour. Ok?" Percy said

"Alright." I mumbled

He gave me a kiss and told my siblings goodbye.

I sat up.

What the heck happened last night?!?!

I saw Roxie walk by me.

"Hey!" I said

"Hey!" She said with a smile

"What exactly happened last night?" I questioned

"You really want to know?" She asked


"Well, you had two nightmares which made Percy really really worried. The first time he just came bolting through the door which we found weird because you didn't scream or anything. You were just hugging your knees while shivering and mumbling. Then he just held you until you finally went back to sleep. That was around 1:30. Percy looked so worried that we let him sleep in the extra bunk since you cant sleep together. Then about a hour and a half ago before we woke up. You let out a scream from yet another nightmare.. That makes a total of two." She finished off

Oh my gods!


"Sorry for keeping you all up and thanks." I said as I got up and made my way to the showers to get ready

The After Effect- Percabeth- Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now