"Please, Harry," I pleaded before using my most powerful tool: the naked hug.

I felt Harry's body tensed as I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my body against his. "Em," he warned.

"Please?" I asked again, this time finally feeling like I had the upper hand.

He sighed. "You're impossible," he said as he shook his head.

"Give me a hint and the torture will stop," I told him.

"Torture? This is far from torture," he countered.

I kissed his back. "If I don't let you touch me, it is."

"You wouldn't," he faked horror.

I chuckled and tightened my grip. "I would."

Before I knew it, Harry freed himself from my grip and grabbed me instead. I screamed in surprise as he pulled me over his shoulder and closed the shower. He stepped out, carrying me. My hair was still heavily dripping and so was Harry's, but he didn't seem to mind as he walked us to his bedroom. He threw me, literally, on his bed. I couldn't help but laugh as I bounced around. Before he jumped next to me I saw Harry's grin and my heart imploded in my chest, I loved seeing him that way.

Once he laid next to me, he grabbed the covers and enveloped the both us tightly.

It amazed me how we had gone to extremes already. As awkward as it was a few days ago, I couldn't be more comfortable now. We were back to being best friends, but the difference was that now we were also lovers, in the full sense of the term.

"You can't stop me from touching you," he whispered before kissing my cheek and tangling one of his leg around mine.

I giggle as I tried to free myself from his hold, with no success. "Just a hint, Harry, please," I said once I realized that I wasn't going to be able to go anywhere.

He hummed against my skin with his eyes closed. I rolled my eyes, knowing d.amn well that he wasn't sleepy anymore. Just like me excitement was running through his veins. I saw it in his eyes before he jumped next to me in bed barely a minute ago.

"Harry," I whined while moving so that he wouldn't be able to ignore me.

He grunted before trying to stop me from moving. "It's a surprise," he replied.

"Please," I said again. "I won't bug you until Saturday, I promise," I tried to bargain.

He opened his eyes. "Really?" He seemed to be considering my proposition.

I nodded. "Yes, but it has to be a good hint."

"I already gave you a pretty good hint," he admitted, his cheeks slowly turning red. Was he shy?

"The temperature?" He nodded, smiling shyly while I grinned like an idiot. "So it's outside?"

He nodded again and my smile widened. I struggled to turn on my side so that I would be facing him. I wanted to ask more questions but I bit my tongue, because he had given me a hint and I had promised that when he would, I would stop questioning him, but the new information only sparked my curiosity even more.


An outside date, that's all I knew, but there were still thousands of options. So for three days straight, I ran every possibility I could think of. It was all I could think about. When Saturday came, I still had no idea what we were doing and slowly the curiosity was being replaced by nervousness.

So it was no surprise that about an hour before the time Harry had told me he would pick me up, I started to pace anxiously around the apartment.

"Could you just sit down, you're stressing me out," Wendy called from the living room.

I sighed and went to sit on the couch next to her. With my legs crossed, I couldn't help but to drum my fingers against my thighs. I was ready way before the time I needed to be and couldn't stay calm.

She paused her show and turned towards me, her face laced with concern and questioning. "What got you so nervous, anyway?"

I turned to face her, debating what exactly I was supposed to tell her. She didn't know everything that had happened recently and I wasn't sure if she needed to know. Harry had always been a sensitive topic with her and the fact that I had been hiding things from her might make things worst.

She must have suspected that all these nights that I didn't come home at night I was with Harry, but that wasn't unusual. I used to go to Harry's place all the time before things started to get rocky. So she was probably thinking that Harry and I were simply back to our old habits. But we were actually far beyond that.

Still, I knew I had to tell her, because she was one of my best friends and I felt like she deserved to know. So I dropped the bomb.

"Harry and I are going on a date," I announced with a small voice. Saying it out loud felt so weird.

Her eyes widened for a second before she controlled herself. "You and Harry are dating?" She didn't seem to believe it.

"Yes," I confirmed.

She nodded, still processing the information. "Since when?"

I bit my lip. "It's recent," I said, trying to keep it as simple as possible. "But it's official."

Her face dropped and I felt my heart squeeze in my chest. She disapproved. It shouldn't matter. What Harry and I were was between the two of us, but Wendy had an important place in my heart and her opinion mattered. So I begged her, without saying a word. I begged her to keep her harsh words to herself. I couldn't hear them, not when I was about to go on my first date with Harry. She couldn't do that to me.

And she didn't. She kept her opinion to herself, although I knew very well that she wasn't happy for me.

"Ok," was all she said before turning back to the television and pressing play.

The voices in the show filled the silence between us and I was thankful for it. I stopped looking at her and concentrated on the television as well, hoping that Harry would get here soon. And he did, a few minutes later.

As the knocks echoed in the apartment, Wendy and I turned our heads towards the door. The situation between us was pushed to the back of my mind as my attention returned on Harry. This would be our first official date and I wasn't letting anything ruin it. 


So, a few things happened here. 

First I'd like to know what are your prediction for the date ! :D I am so excited, I love writing "date chapters". 

Second, Wendy disapproves of Harry and Emily, hum... she's only being a good friend, right? I read all of your comments (I really do) and I know that a lot of you are suspicious of Wendy, what are your thoughts now?

Hope you liked that chapter, even if it was a little weird. 

I'll see you soon ! (I'm aiming for Sunday, as always, but sometimes I just can't find the time :/)

Love you loads, thank you for your support <3
Karry xx.


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