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"Honey that's horrible! We need to report this to the police right away! And of course you can take a break! This must be so hard on you!" Bill said after I told him everything
"Oh thank you! You really are like a dad to me! Don't worry, we already reported it. My dads already been jail and he won't be coming out for a while," I said
"Well, I have to go work with Lady gaga now sweetie! I'll see you in two weeks!" He said kissing me on the cheek and leaving
"Ready?" Brayden said
"Obviously?" I said jumping up and running to his car.



I was sitting on the porch thinking about what Brayden said.

He went to go talk to Kaylee. He wouldn't tell me where she was.

I stood up to go back inside but Brayden's car pulled up. I stopped and squinted.

Before the car even stopped the passenger door swung open and Kaylee jumped out.

I smiled so big and she ran up to me and into my arms.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso.

"Are you okay!" I said pulling my head back
"I'm fine! I got signed to a record studio!" She said
"That's great!" I smiled before hugging her again
"You have marks too," she sighed after she got down and looked at my wrists
"Yea, but it's okay. We survived it together," I said holding our her wrist and puting mine next to it.

The marks were from the cuffs that held us to the wall. I also had a scar on my neck from when David slashed me.

"Is everyone else home?" She asked excitedly
"You betcha," I laughed before she ran inside
"IM HOME!" She screamed.


"IM HOME!" I screamed
"KAYLEE??" Bianca screamed running in and tackling me
"BIANCA!" I screamed back hugging her
"DID I HEAR KAYLEE?" Joe said running in and joining the dog pile
"KAYLEE??" Stacy and Corrine screamed
"OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU GUYS! To be honest not really cuz I had no idea who you guys were but that's not the point!" I laughed.


I had told everyone what happened. Now we were watching a movie together.

I wasn't really paying attention to it though.

I was just think about the amazing friends I have. I smiled and leaned my head on Brayden's shoulder.

Suddenly Maddie gave me a death look. I furrowed my eyebrows and she looked away. Hmm.

"You guys in tired, I'm gonna go to sleep," I said standing up
"Goodnight." A lot of people said
"Want me to walk you up there?" Brayden asked
"No that's okay," I smiled leaving
"Hey Kaylee," Zack said as I walked up the stairs and he was sitting in his room
"Hi," I smiled
"Can we talk for a second," he said and he seemed worried
"Listen, I don't want to be the one to tell you this. So tomorrow talk to Brayden. He is the one who should have to tell you. Just tell him to tell you what he did while you were gone," he said
"A-alright," I said confused
"Goodnight," he said
"'Night," I replied walking back to my room.

I closed the door behind me before walking over to my bed.

Finally home. Finally in my bed. Finally with my family.

I cuddled into my blanket and slowly drifted off to sleep.


I finished getting dressed and looked out the window. Cloudy.

Also known as perfect.

I loved rain. I love clouds. I love cold. I walked down the stairs with my arms in my jacket pocket.

I walked out the door and sat on the swing we had on our porch. This weather was beautiful.

"Hey why are you outside? It's cold!" Brayden laughed walking out
"Well I'm a full blooded Arizonian. We don't get rain. All we get is sun. It's the fricken worst. On the rare days you do see rain, that's when everyone's outside. Enjoying the amazing weather." I smiled at the sky
"Wow. Deep." He laughed
"You're so stupid," I laughed slapping his arm as he sat next to me.

"Hey, Brayden?" I asked
"Yes?" He asked
"I- uh- um... Zack told me that I should talk to you. He said that he wanted you to tell me. I don't know- I'm just confused... Do you know what he's talking about?" I asked
"What? Uh no?" He said confused
"Hmm, oh well." I said before kissing him on the cheek and walking in.

I walked into my room and went over to my computer.

I uploaded a video I had recorded last night. It explained where I had been.

"Hey," Maddke said walking in
"Oh hi! You know we really haven't talked at all," I smiled
"We should get to know each other, any friend of the cube members is a friend of mine," I said
"Hmph, you wish. You see Kaylee, I used to be the girl all the guys swooed over. Including your beloved Brayden. Then I disappeared. Now I'm back and it bothers me that you're with Brayden. I'm not jealous, just... Well... I feel bad for you. I mean. I wouldn't want a boyfriend like Brayden who would cheat on me, then lie to me about it," she said smirking
"I- uh- what?!" I asked shocked
"Oh- right! He didn't tell you because he just lied to you. Yea. You know how Zack wanted you to talk to Brayden? Well long story short, while you were held hostage we had a party. For me and Huawhi being saved. Brayden got drunk, then we made out and well, to make it simple, we woke up in the same bed," she said shrugging her shoulders before leaving.

I didn't know what to do. I began shaking. No. Kaylee, you haven't had an anxiety attack for such a long time.

Be strong. Go talk to him. Maybe she's just lying. Calm down. Too late.

I was on my floor curled in a little ball heavily breathing. Tears falling from my cheeks. Shaking uncontrollably.

"Kaylee? KAYLEE?!" Zack said walking in and then sitting next to me
"Hey shhhhh. It'll be okay," he said rubbing my back
"Brayden!" Zack yelled knowing he's the only one that's been able to deal with my anxiety attacks
"What?!" He yelled coming up the stairs and into my room
"Hey- Kaylee, shhh, it'll be okay. Calm down and breathe." He said sitting next to me before Zack frowned and left the room.
"Bray-" I managed to get out
"Yes?" He asked rubbing my back
"Mad- die- you- drunk- kissing- bed-" I cried
"I- uh-" he looked away
"So- it's- true?" I said hoping with all my heart that it wasn't
"I- they convinced me to drink and things got out of hand and-" he yelled before more tears fell from my eyes and I cut him off
"Leave!" I said crying
"Kayle-" he tried grabbing my hand
"Leave!" I shouted and he left with his held hung.


@/MCKaylee: I thought you would be the one there for me every time someone broke my heart. But what happens when you're the one that breaks it?

"Kaylee? Can I come in?" Zack said knocking and I didn't answer
"Are you gonna be okay?" He asked sitting next to me on my bed
"No." I answered
"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked
"Yes. Not here though, can we go for a walk?" I asked
"Of course I'll be out front," he smiled leaving my room.

A/N: You guysssssss! I went to a dance last night and THREE guys asked me to dance! :D

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I love you all SO much! Have an amazing day!

Love Hurts | Cube Smp FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon