Tell the fans

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[4 months from last chapter]
[everyone in the cube is living in one big mansion now]


It's been a week since I could walk. I loved it.

I hopped out of bed and got dressed. I went to Brayden's room which was right next to mine.

"Baaaabbbbbee" I whined falling on his bed waking him up
"I wanna sleep," he whined
"No. I wanna do something," I whined back
"Then cuddle with me," he said
"But I wanna tell the fans. I think it's been long enough. I think they will be okay with it." I said
"But what if they hate on you?" Brayden asked sitting up with a concerned look
"I don't really care. If they are real fans they will be happy for us. I've kept it from them for four months. I can't do it any longer." I said
"Okay then let's make a really cool video... I have an idea." He said smirking



"Hi, I'm Kaylee. Most of you know me as MCKaylee, or maybe as the cube queen." My voice said as I showed up on the screen, in real life and in game.

"I'm a youtuber. I make videos for a living. I mostly do Minecraft with a group of friends. We call ourselves the cube. But let's start from the beginning..." My voice rang through my ears and the video looked like it was being rewinded.

"I was born in Surprise, Arizona. The second hottest place in the USA. I had an older brother named Riley. We will get into him later. My mom ran away a few months after I was born... Or so I thought. My dad was never really around. He was always out partying or at home drinking and yelling. Riley was my only family. I graduated online high school with no friends. I had none. The only people I ever talked to were the people I played minecraft with. They were, and still are my only friends. But they are all I need. One amazing day my dad said that we were moving to Canada. My best friend lived there. His name was and still is Brayden. Also known as the Camping Rusher. I was so excited. I had other friends that lived there too of course. Like Ryan, Mitch, Zach, and others. We got there and I found out I only lived a few houses down from Brayden. The day after I moved in Ryan and Brayden took me to the carnival. I had a great time. But then I came home. It was dark outside and I had lost track of time. I snuck into my house hoping my dad wasn't home. My brother saw me and told me my dad wasn't home. So I went up to my room. I closed my door. And my dad came from the shadows. He started yelling at me. Riley bust through the locked door and grabbed my dads hand before he punched me. Sadly he wasn't strong enough. We were both beaten pretty badly. But I got lucky. Riley told me to run. I naturally listened and ran to Brayden's house. He kept me safe and cleaned me up. He called the cops and all I could do was pray for Riley. I soon found out that he was in the hospital. On life support. My dad was taken to jail. I got to say goodbye to my brother one last time before they unplugged his life support. As for my mom, I found out that she didn't run away. She was threatened by my dad. He told her that if she didn't leave he would kill all three of us. She died two years later of cancer. I stayed with Brayden until we went to Minecon. I had an amazing time at first. Then as some of you know him, my ex boyfriend, Jordan, lied to me. He wanted me to be his and he thought Brayden would get in the way. I sadly believed him and I cut. The things that he made me believe my best friend had said made me so sad that I cut. He did the same to Brayden making it seem like I hated him. I soon started dating Jordan. After minecon I visited him. Only to find out that he had cheated on me. I flew back to Canada with no place to stay. Ryan took me to Brayden's house and explained what happened. Brayden came outside and we apologized to each other. Later that same night I found out he had a girlfriend. She was really nice. But I had feelings for him. Feelings that I had hidden so deep down so our friendship wouldn't be ruined. Soon they faded away and I started dating Ryan. We were going strong for about three months. We got in a big fight. I was so scared, sad, and mad that I left. I was crying in the car and I lost control. The car flipped and I went unconscious. I woke up in the hospital. Brayden confessed his love to me. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I obviously said yes. Him and his ex had broken up earlier that day because she knew that he liked me even when he didn't know he liked me. Does that make sense? He actually video taped himself asking me to be his girlfriend but he edited it out before uploading it because we weren't ready to share it with you guys. Anyways. We've been dating for four months now. And I'm so much better. All my broken and shattered bones have healed. And I couldn't be happier. I love all my fans so much. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a like. And comment down below. I love you. Goodbye." The video ended and I uploaded it to my channel.

A/N: this book is going to end soon! Ahhh!

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have an extraordinary day!

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