Not yet

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"I'm so nervous," I said sitting next to Mitch
"So am i bud." He said.

I pulled out my phone and slumped back in my chair. I went on to Twitter to see #pray4kaylee was trending. I smiled.

@/TheCampingRusher: #Pray4Kaylee is trending. You guys have no idea how much this means to me ❤️

The nurse came in the waiting room. My heart pounded so loudly, I'm pretty sure China heard it.

I took out my recorder and turned it on before she said anything.

"The operation didn't go as planned." She said
"W- what do you mean?" Graser asked
"Kaylee... Kaylee didn't make it." She said and i dropped my camera.
"No. This isn't happening. No. She's not dead." I said crying
"I'm sorry for your loss." She said
"Can we see her?" Ryan asked
"Of course," she said and I shakily grabbed my camera and walked to Kaylees room.

I opened the door. I looked at the machines next to her.

The line representing her heart beat was straight. I continued recording.

Everyone just stood there in silence. Everyone was crying. Everyone looked miserable.

Red puffy eyes. Tear stained cheeks. Black bags under eyes. Love hurts. Love hurts a lot.

BEEP. My head shot up.

BEEP. I looked at the machines.

BEEP. The nurses barged in the room and pushed us back.



"I'll never leave you," I said and then it went black.

It was pitch dark. I couldn't see anything. Suddenly a small bright light popped up very far away. I started going towards it.

I squinted trying to see what it was. Then I realized something. I quickly pinched  myself. It didn't hurt. Was I dreaming? Was I dead? No I can't be dead.

I quickly turned away from the light and started running. I can't leave Brayden. I just can't. Not yet. I sprinted as fast as I could. Things started becoming clearer. Until everything went black again.

I blinked my eyes a few times. Nurses hovering over me. I squinted my eyes adjusting to the light.

"She- she's awake?!" A doctor yelled
"What?" A familiar voice asked
"But she was dead?" A nurse said
"She's clearly not dead anymore!" Another familiar voice said
"What's going on?" I asked confused
"KAYLEE," Brayden yelled dropping his camera and running over to hug me
"Yes?" I asked
"Y- you were dead," he said shakily years still coming out
"I was?" I asked
"Yes. We brought your friends in to see you for the last time. Then suddenly your heart started beating again." The doctor said
"Can I go home now?" I asked
"Well we will run a few tests to make sure your able to but then yes," he said as Brayden was still holding my hand.



"She's ready to go home." The doctor said wheeling Kaylee out of her room
"Are you sure you're ready?" I asked grabbing the back of the wheel chair
"Of course. I hate this place." She laughed as we excited the building
"I love the rain," she said as I sprinkled down on us
"So do I," I said as I pushed her to the car.

I helped her into the passenger seat of my car and drove her home.


I pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building and helped her into the wheel chair. We took the elevator up to her floor.

"You don't have to stay with me," she said as I closed the door behind us
"Yes I do," I said going over to her room and picking up tons of blankets and pillows.
"What are you doing?" She asked
"You'll see," I said.

I moved the coffee table to the left side of the couch. I unfolded the couch into its big bed form.

I then put a comforter on it and put two pillows stacked against each other on the left side. I also put one on the end of the bed on the left side.

I went over to Kaylee and picked her up. She laughed.

I put her on the left side of the couch bed and then put a blanket over her. The sky was dark and cloudy. Thunder rumbled quietly through the city.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked
"Pizza." She said making me laugh
"On it." I said grabbing my phone and calling the pizza place.


"Can I do anything else for you?" I asked
"You've done enough," she said pointing to everything,
"you bought me food, made me a bed, gave me chocolate, put on my favorite movie, stayed with me, you're the best," she said smiling
"Kaylee." I said staring straight in her eyes
"Yes." She's asked
"I love you." I said
"I love you too Brayden," she smiled.

I smiled and leaned into her side. We cuddled while watching the movie.

Soon she fell asleep. I smiled and turned the tv off. I pulled a blanket onto me and slowly went to sleep.

A/N:  I'm pretty sure a lot of you liked this chapter ;)

Don't forget to comment and vote! :)

I love you all so much! Have an amazing day!

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