Chapter Twenty Six

Comincia dall'inizio

"You're warm." He said.

Freesia imitated his action, "He's right, you are warm. Did you eat anything?"

I waved my hand at them, "I'm fine. I'm just really tired. And I've had a pretty crappy day."

Wolf raised his eyebrows, "Freesia filled me in about your friend," he said then him and Freesia shared a look.

He shifted on his feet and I asked, "What?"

"Maybe it's best you didn't go." He said.

I threw him a surprised look, "What? Why?"

He just shrugged, "Just saying." He said and I threw him a mysterious look.

"Did you eat?" I asked, giving up on finding out anything from him.

He nodded and patted his stomach, with a happy smile.

Then his eyes slipped over my head and I looked behind me, watching Rafe turn and walk away. My heart dropped further like lead.

I sighed and turned back to Wolf.

"I don't think he ate though." Wolf said.

"What?" I asked.

Freesia cleared her throat, "Wolf here has been doing some observing. Apparently Rafe didn't eat with his...friends or colleagues or whoever they are. He turned them down when they asked. He kept looking at the door as if he were waiting for someone. And he still hasn't eaten."

Was he waiting for me?

And I just snapped at him and made his day crappy. Best Friend award for the day goes to me.

I was about to go find Rafe when Kylee jogged up to me, "Hey, I need a favour." She said, then tossed uncomfortable looks towards Wolf and Freesia.

Wolf and Freesia cleared their throats, "So we'll just go and wait in the Hovers for you." They said and when I nodded they took off.

"What's up?" I asked her when they left.

"You're close to Rafe, right?" She asked.

I blinked. "What?" I asked.

She waved her hand, "Everybody is talking about it. Can you do something for me?" She asked urgently.

Everybody was talking about us?

" depends."

"It's nothing serious. When he's in the midst of his friends, can you go talk to him?" Kylee asked and I just stared at her.

"Please?!" She said, sounding almost pained and I nodded.

"Yes. Okay. I'll do it."

Tossing her a you're-weird glance, I headed off to find a certain alien who was causing my head to go crazy.

I looked behind me and watched Kylee follow a little distance away.

What was happening?

I stopped trying to understand what she asked, for the fear that I would develop the mother of all headaches, and stood on tiptoe to search for the tall dark-headed bane of my existence.

I turned to Kylee and waited for her to catch up, "Is there anything specific you want me to say...?"

She shook her head, no.

AlienusDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora