The King And Queen

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A small grunt came from your small body as you reached above you to the next jutted out rock. Currently, you were climbing the giant rock wall in the playground at school, and you found it surprisingly tough. You were used to always being the toughest kid around, it came with the Strider name. You knew you had to live up to the name, so you did everything in your power to do so.

"Hey Dirk! Whatcha doin'?" A high pitched voice asked from behind you and you turned to see a girl about your age standing below you, looking at you with wide green eyes.

"Oh, hey Victoria." You said in a bored tone, again reaching for another plastic rock. The girl below giggled and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. "And I'm just climbing the rock wall, obviously." A shuffling noise was heard and you looked over your shoulder to see the young girl sit down. Her eyes were watching you and she gave you a bright smile. You went back to what you were doing, almost reaching the top before the teacher called you in. Jumping down, you gave the rock climbing wall a glare.

'One day I will climb to the top, I swear it.' You thought as he went inside.


Because of the recent downpour, you couldn't fulfill his promise to himself to climb the wall. Of course, it ended up clearing up just in time for recess. you raced out, a childish grin on your face as you raced towards your beloved wall. To say you was surprised to see someone sitting on the top was an understatement; you were completely flabbergasted and confused. Everyone in school knew not to climb the thing until you yourself reached the top, or so you thought. But here was this girl, with blonde hair and pink eyes, looking at you with such a smug expression you felt embarrassed for not reaching the top before her.  

"What'cha doin'?" The girl asked, and she had a slight New York accent. 

"I should be asking the same thing...." You said, eyes narrowing behind you sunglasses you always wore. The girl chuckled slightly, a smile on her face.

"Well, I asked first, but since I'm in a good mood, I'll tell ya; I climbed the wall and now just sitting he for the prince to come." The girl stated, shrugging.

"Well, I was about to climb the wall....and what prince?" You asked, arms crossed. The blonde climbed down so she could stand in front of you.

"Apparently, he's called 'The Prince Of The Wall'....frankly, I don't get it. He hangs out here all the time, climbing the dumb thing.....wait a sec, that's you!" The girl said, pointing at you and jumping up and down slightly, a grin on her face.

"Yeah, apparently...what's your name anyway?" You again asked, seems like you were full of questions today.

"Oh! The name's Roxy...Roxy Lalonde at your service your highness." The girl, Roxy, gave a mock bow and you chuckled, offering your hand for a handshake.

"Name's Strider...Dirk Strider. You're one hell of a rogue to trespass onto the prince's wall." You teased. Roxy laughed.

"Yeah yeah, whatever....hey! Let's talk some more on top of the thing!" Roxy exclaimed, already climbing the wall with ease. You followed. It, for whatever reason, seemed easier. Once you both sat on top, Roxy gently put her head on your shoulder.

"We are the king and queen of this playground."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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