It's your choice

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I sat there in pain as I started up at Loki. He looked me in the eyes but then broke away from my gaze and turned away, his back facing me. He turned back around as he played with the cure in his hands. “I’ll give her the cure.” Loki said. Klaus smiled before pulling the wood out of my chest. He backed away and Loki walked towards me. He bent down in front of me. I looked down at the cure in his hands; there was something off about it, the smell. There was something in it that smelled familiar. Loki lifted up my chin making me look him in the eyes. He broke the top on the cure. I opened my mouth as he poured the cure into my mouth. Loki placed something small in my hand and then closed it. My throat felt like it was on fire and then so did the rest of my body before everything went black.


“What now?” Damon asked looking at Katherine. “Now we wait for her to wake up.” Klaus said. Klaus and Damon walked up stair. “Loki, you coming?” Damon asked. I got up and started to head towards the door when I heard a groan. I looked back at Katherine and she still had her eyes closed. “It is your choice; you deiced what you want to do.” I said before walking up stairs. I went into the living room were Damon was pouring himself a drink and Klaus was standing by the fire place. I walked up beside him. “How long will she be with you?” I asked. “Until I make all the hybrids I want. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure nothing bad happens to her and I will keep my word to Katherine.” he said. I looked at him confused. “What?” I asked. “I made a deal with Katherine remember?” he asked. I nod my head remembering that day.

“When I’m done she can have the life she always wanted with you, to have children. And in the future I can use their blood for more hybrids.” he said. “She didn’t tell me that.” I said. “There are probably a lot of things she didn’t tell you.” Klaus said. “Look who’s awake.” Damon said. We turned around and saw Katherine who was standing in the middle of the room. “How do you feel?” Klaus asked. “Alive.” Katherine answered. “Good. Well I think it’s time we get going.” Klaus said making his way over to Katherine. “Wait.” Katherine said. Klaus stopped and looked at her. “I said I feel alive, not human.” she said. In a flash she was in front of Klaus with as dagger in his chest. She her hands were moving around his head to fast for me to see what was going on.

I heard a crack and Klaus fell to the floor his eyes widened before they closed and he wasn’t moving. “What just happened?” Damon asked. Katherine looked at me. “I had a choice; I decided what I wanted to do.” Katherine said. She opened up her hand and showed me the empty bottle of the real cure in her hands. She ran over to me and I pulled her into a hug. “You gave me a small bottle that had blood and vervain. No wonder I recognized the smell.” she said. “I thought that you would have decided to take the cure.” I said. “I was, but I would rather stay a vampire than to be human and be used by Klaus and then when I die let my children be used by him.” she said. “So that’s it no more big bad scary original Klaus?” Damon asked. Katherine pulled away and nods her head. “Yeah, by the time the cure makes him human he will already be dead from the dagger in his heart.” Katherine. Damon closed his eyes and got down on his knees and held his head up facing the ceiling. “Thank you Jesus.” he said.

Remember Me(Sequel to Love,Blood&Mischief)Where stories live. Discover now