Human Blood Bank

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I was being dragged roughly by my arm by Klaus who was walking through my school parking lot. “You know when I asked that witch to bring you back and erase all your memories I thought it was going to be permanent, but of course you know witches there’s always a loop hole or they make one themselves.” he says  making his grip on my arm tighter. “What do you want with me?” I asked. “You’ll find out soon enough.” he said.


“Something’s wrong.” I said. “What, have you just now notice that black isn’t your color?” Jason asked. “Can you just shut up, I mean I think something is wrong with Katherine, she might be in danger.” I said. “What are you talking about, she’s probably on her way to the car now.” he said. He looked behind me and his eyes popped out. “Or she is in danger and right now is getting kidnapped.” he said. I gave him a confused look and when I turned around. Katherine was getting dragged to a black van by a man with blonde hair, blue eyes and facial hair. “We have to help her. Contact Tony and get him here quickly.” I said. “What are you going to do?” he asked. “Stall him.” I say making my way towards the two of them.


“Ah Andrew, take her and make sure she’s secure.” Klaus said to a man that was leaning against the van. “Another one of your hybrids?” I asked. Klaus smiled at me. “Yes one of many, I think you already meet Jade and Mark.” he said. “Yes, to bad I didn’t have the pleasure of killing them myself.” I said with a glare. We heard a grunt and we saw Andrew drop to the ground as Loki appeared behind him. “Well well well, what do we have here?” Klaus said. “Let her go.” Loki said. Klaus smirked. “I’m afraid I can’t do that, she is of value to me.” Klaus said. “What do you want with her?” Loki asked. That was the question that still wasn’t answered. “Let’s just say her blood is very rare, special and I need it for a purpose.” Klaus said. What is he talking about. “And that purpose is?” Loki asked. “Enough of this, we have somewhere to be.” Klaus said pulling me close to him. “I’m not letting you taking her from me.” Loki said. Klaus sighed. “I thought we could do this the easy way but I guess not.” Klaus said as he bared his fangs at Loki. “Move out of the way.” Klaus said. “Just listen to him Loki.” I said. He looked at me and moved out of the way. Klaus turned back to normal. “See was that so hard?” Klaus asked. He made his way to the car door when Loki yanked me out of his grip. Then I heard a rocket being fired and the car exploded making me, Klaus and Loki go flying backwards onto the ground. “Katherine you okay?” I heard Tony voice asked. “Yeah.” I said. “Come on we have to get you guys back to the car.” he said as Loki helped me get up off the ground. We ran over to the car and got in as I saw Tony up in the air Pepper started the car and we got away.  


“Who was that?” Loki asked. We were all back in stark tower. “Klaus Mikaelson, he’s an original vampire.” I said. “Original as in?” Tony asked. “As in one of the first vampires who ever walk the earth.” Jason said. “Okay is there anything else about him?” Tony asked. “He’s half vampire, half werewolf so that makes him a hybrid, the first hybrid. He can’t be killed without using a white oak stake.” I said. “Well now we have to find that stake, kill him and he will be gone forever.” Tony said. “You can’t kill him .”Jason said. “What do you mean?” Loki asked. “Each original has a blood line, each starting from the first vampire they made that start the blood line, Katherine was turned by a women named rose who was a part of Klaus’s blood line so if you kill him ,an hour after he dies so will his blood line so that means Katherine will die.” Jason said. “Okay scratch that plan out, now all we have to do is find out what he wants Katherine for.” Pepper said. “He said that her blood was rare special. What does that mean?” Loki said. “It can’t be.” Jason said. “What?” I asked. “You’re a Petrova, so that means the doppelgängers blood runs through your veins or used too. But when Klaus first came and dropped you off at our house he said he wouldn’t need you until he got the one thing he needs.” Jason said.

“Which is?” I asked. “A cure, a cure that could turn a vampire back into a human.” he said. “Why would he want Katherine to be human?” Tony asked. “So he can use me as a human blood bank for his hybrids. That’s why he brought me back. He wants to use the cure to turn me back into a human so he can have more doppelgangers blood to create more of his hybrids.” I said. “Well then we can’t let him get to you.” Tony said. “We have to keep you a vampire so then that way Klaus can’t make any more hybrids.” Loki said. They started agreeing with each other while I just spaced out. To be human again, that was my wish. “What if I want to take the cure?” I asked. Everyone stopped talking and looked at me. “What?” Jason asked. “What if I want to take the cure?” I asked. “Katherine you can’t do that, you take the cure Klaus gets to make more of those freaks of nature. You can’t take the cure.” Jason said. “Why can’t I just decide for myself, do I have any say in this at all?” I asked. I sighed. “I think I’m going to go outside for some fresh air.” I said walking towards the window to get outside. 

Remember Me(Sequel to Love,Blood&Mischief)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن