I don't want to be a vampire

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When I got outside I leaned against the railing and looked up in the sky. I felt a presence behind me. “Is it so bad that I want to take the cure?” I asked.  “It depends on why you want it.” Loki said. “When you were gone I told Tony on my birthday I wanted to be human again. That was my wish because I knew that one day he would die and I wouldn’t and I couldn’t be able to carry on with all the hurt and I would just end up turning off my humanity.I dont want to be a vampire anymore,all I want is to be able to have a life again.” I said. “But Katherine you already have a life.” he said. “But that’s not the point, I want to have a life with you, I want to have kids. I never had the chance to be a mother because of what my father did all those years ago; he took my daughter away from me. He wouldn’t even let me hold her before he took her.” I said. “If being human means so much I would do anything to get you that cure. But the only way to get you the cure if we give you to Klaus.” he said. I turned around. “What if we just take it?” I asked. “What?” he said. “We talk to Klaus, you get into his head and found out where he is hiding the cure, and when we do we get Jason to go get it and bring it back here.” I said. “I don’t think this is going to work.” he said.

“We have to at least try.” I say. “Alright, how are we going to contact Klaus?” Loki asked. “You guys can call him.” a voice said. We looked away from each other and at Jason. “You have his number?” I asked. “Yeah he gave it to me to call him if you ever got your memory back, but I never was going to anyway.” he said. He took his phone out of his pocket and threw it over to me and I caught it. I scrolled down on his contacts and found Klaus number. I called the number and put it up to my ear as I waited for him to pick up. “Jason what is it that you want?” Klaus asked. “He doesn’t want anything to do with you that’s for sure.” I said. “Ah Katerina, unless your calling to surrender yourself to me then I suggest you hang up.” he said. “I want to talk.” I said. “We are talking right now.” he said. “No I mean face to face; I want to talk about the cure.” I said.The line went quite for a moment. “How do you know about that?” he asked. “My brother told me, so are we going to talk or what?” I say. “When and where?”  he asked. I looked at my watch. It was 1:30pm. “Stark tower 3pm.”I said. “Fine see you then.” he said. I hung up the phone. “Now we just got to tell Tony and Pepper.” Jason said as I threw him back his phone. “No need, but I really don’t want an original, hybrid asshole here but whatever.” Tony said as Pepper appears by his side. “Me and Loki are going to stay here, while you and Jason are going to go get the cure when we find out where it is then we will stall.” I say pointing towards me and Loki.

“Why does he get to stay with you, why can’t I?” Tony asked. “Because Loki can read minds and you can’t.” I say. “I could try.” Tony grumbled. “Okay this conversation is over; everyone knows what they have to do.”


Loki paced around the living room while I sat on the couch with a glass of blood in my hands. I looked towards the clock, 2:58. I downed all the blood and in one gulp and stood up and put it back in the kitchen sink. When I returned to the living room Loki stopped pacing and had his eyes closed. I walked over and wrapped my hands around his waist and but my head on his chest. “What are you thinking about?” I asked as he started to stroke my hair. “What if Klaus doesn’t have the cure, then what?” he asked. I looked up at him. “He has to, if he didn’t then why would he even bother to try and kidnapped me.” I say. “What if he tries to do it again, what if that was his only reason he decided to come?” he asked. “I know that you would do anything in your power to get me, and can you stop with the ‘What if’ please.” I say. He smirks. “What if-” “No.” I said. “I’m just messing with you, love.” he said giving me a kiss on the lips. “Well isn’t this a pretty picture.” We broke apart from the kiss and looked to the side to see Klaus. “Klaus, you’re on time.” I said noticing it was 3:00.  “I see that your little boyfriend will be joining us.” Klaus said. “Yes as protection.” Loki said stepping in front of me. “Oh don’t worry; I don’t plan on taking her from you, yet. You wanted to talk so let’s talk.” Klaus said walking over and sitting down in a chair. Loki moved out of my way as I went to sit on the couch. “I want to make a deal with you Klaus, I’ll take the cure and you can use my blood to make your hybrids but I get to have a life.” I say. “I’m listening.” he said.


I was standing by Katherine while she sat on the couch talking to Klaus. I went and pried into Klaus mind to see were the cure was. I saw a house, well should I say mansion. Down stairs, to the right and down the hall was a door that was locked but inside it was the cure. “Is everything alright, you seem to be in a daze?” I snapped out of Klaus’s mind and looked at Klaus who asked. “Loki?” Katherine asked. “I’m fine I just need some fresh air, excuse me.” I said. I went outside and called Jason.


After Loki went outside I knew he was going to call Jason. “So you want to have a life, be with your true love, have children, ect. And in return you’re going to let me be able to use the blood of your children for my future hybrids.” Klaus said. “Yes.” I said. He smiled. “Alright you got yourself a deal.” he said. “Great how about we have a toast, JARVIS.” I said. “Already ahead of you Miss Pierce.” JARVIS said. Two glasses and a bottle of champagne came up from the bar. I walked over and pour some champagne in each glass and brought them back over to Klaus. I gave one glass to him. “Cheers.” I said clinking are glasses together as we each took a sip. There was knocking coming from outside and I saw Loki telling me to come. “Would you excuse me.” I say as I place my glass down. I go outside and walk over to Loki. “Jason just called me, they went to the mansion and they unlocked the door.” he said. “And?” I asked. “There was a box which is where the cure was in and when they opened it and nothing was in there.” he said. “But the cure has to be in there.” I said. “Oh it was.” I turned around and saw Klaus. He pulled out a small velvet blue box. “Looking for something.” he said. He went behind me and grabbed Loki by his neck.

“Do you think me as a fool, Katherine.” he said. He threw Loki and he crashed through the window. I ran over to help him but Klaus grabbed my arm. “I knew at once you mention you knew about the cure you wouldn’t want to ‘talk’.” he said. He picked me up and threw me back inside and I crashed into a tabled. I heard Klaus footsteps and then I heard a snap from one of the legs of the table “You wanted to take the cure so you can live happily ever after.” Klaus said. I felt something sharp go through my back and I screamed. I couldn’t move. “Look who's here Katherine.” Klaus said bending down to my eye level. He moved my head to the side and I saw Jason and Tony being held back by two hybrids. The one that was holding Tony had his hands held back while the one holding Jason had his hands around his neck. Klaus stand up and walked over to them. “Now gentlemen, as you both know you were on a mission to steal the cure from me which you failed.” Klaus said. “So who wants to die first?” Klaus asked. “No, Klaus please.” I said trying to get up but I ended up falling back down. He came over to me and picked my head up. “Fine, I’ll let one of them live but the other dies. Too bad you’ll have to wait to find out who.” he said. He broke my neck and the whole world turned black.

So who is going to die?Is it going to be Jason or Tony?Dont forgett comment and vote!

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