Chapter Six

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After I ran far enough away from his dorm room, I had to stop and take a quick breather. How could he push me up against the wall like that? Did he forget I was a girl?

I sighed.

Of course he doesn't see me as a girl. He sees me as some ugly witch.

I walked back to the school building thinking how much I miss home. Even though I can't stand my stuck up family I'd rather be there where I'm only hated a little than here, where I have a whole hate fan club.

As soon as I spotted my first period classroom I sprinted to it, praying to god my teacher was still there.

I peered over the glass and ... yes! She's still here.

I burst through the door. "Miss Swiss! I need a new partner!"

She looked over her glasses. "And why is that Henrietta?"

I looked down. "It's just that I don't feel comfortable with him. I mean I'll take another werewolf partner. I just don't feel ..."

"Henrietta!" I looked over my shoulder.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." Micah grabbed my arm and started pulling me out the door.

I looked back at him. "What the hell are you doing!" I hissed. He didn't reply.

"Sorry Miss Swiss she's just a little bit out of it. You know how coffee gets to a witches head." And with that he dragged me completely out of the room. Once we were a few doors down I pulled my hand out of his.

"What are you doing?" I yelled.

"Making sure you don't switch partners." He said nonchalantly.

"Why? I mean can you blame me! You body slammed me into a freaking wall and you tell me I cant change partners."

"Listen witch, it was an accident so chill out. I still need answers from you so your still going to be my partner. Now let's go." He reached for my hand again, but I snatched it back.

"What do you mean let's go? I'm not going anywhere with you." I turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

"Wait-" he touched my arm but instantly pulled it back. "Your arm, it's blazing hot."

"That's the point."


The next day went bay as slow as a caterpillar in water, but luckily the day ended. I headed out the school building.

"Witch!" I turned around. Of course it was Micah. I turned back around and ignored him.

"Witch!" his voice was closer now. I turned around and was now face to face with him.

"What do you want?" I said. Being this close to him was sending me on a hormone roller coaster. It was hard to stare at him for too long.

"We have the project to do, and if you think Miss Swiss was going to change your partners she won't. I already asked." Great now I can't change partners! Can it get any better?

"Listen we both don't like each other, but if we don't do this bloody project we'll fail. So get your shit together and lets go." He walked away leaving me standing there looking like an idiot.

Even though he's an asshole, he's right. I can't fail.

I followed him.

Once we reached his dorm, he started right away with questioning me.

"What's your favorite color?" he asked.


"What's your favorite food?"

"Chinese." He looked down and scribbled it in. I took this as my chance to ask something.

"What's your pack like?" he looked up surprised.

"There fine. What's your eye color?"

"You didn't answer my question. 'There fine' is not an answer."

"Listen witch I don't want to talk about my pack with you." He stood up and went into his mini fridge.

I felt persistent so I asked another question.

"Have you imprinted on someone?"

"What the hell. This isn't Twilight witch. It's called having a mate and no I don't." Twilight is really full of it!

"Listen if we're going to do this, I would appreciate it if you call me Henrietta."

"Okay. How about I just call you witch instead." He said giving me a look that implied that this conversation was over. I bit my lip.

Why does he have to be such an asshole!

"Can I ask you a question?" I knew once I said it I would regret it.

"Why do you hate me so much?" he looked at me, with his piercing blue eyes.

"Because witches are evil, you're evil. You do nothing but pollute the earth. You've killed so many of our kind it's impossible to keep track."

I stood up. "But what have I done to you." I said pointing to my chest.

He looked a loss for words, but then he said "You are evil." He said pointing to me. "I can feel it. Every time I see you it takes all my will power not to rip your throat out. The only thing keeping you alive is this school witch."

"But-" he cut me off "And to make it worse you're not easy on the eyes." He chuckled to himself.

"You're an asshole." I said in a whisper. "I have done nothing to you. How can you blame ME for what my ancestors have done? I'm not the evil one, YOU are." I grabbed my bag and left.

I'm so done with this school, with the people, with just EVERYONE. This is the last time they'll see me again.

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