Au Revior: Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

He kneeled infront of me and asked me to marry him. Of course this is the dream of every girl.

But I don't know what to feel.

It isn't Oliver proposing, it is Eris.

My Eris. My best friend. My partner in crime.

I have looked at him as a brother, but I know I love him as something more. How about Oliver? My career? It is still blooming and Oliver is one of the reasons.

I love Eris, but I think I do love Oliver too.

But I know that I have to say no. I know this isn't going to be good for me or him.

Why did he even love me this way? I don't want to lose him, but how about my dreams in life? My plans for the future?

"Karen?" His voice brought me back to reality.

"Will you marry me?" He asked once more. His voice still shaky but I know he is sincere.

How am I supposed to tell him no?

But I have to. For me, for him and for my dreams.

I shook my head as I declined and pulled my hand away from his. I closed my eyes as tears begin to give away my regret.

"Why Karen? Why? Is there something wrong?" He asked, weariness was what I felt.

"What is wrong? Eris. I am not ready for this. Don't you see my career is blooming, my career with Oliver is a success." I said as I wiped away my tears.

"Career? Oliver?" He asked once more as I felt him grew more weary.

"I love you, but not now Eris. Not now that I am at the peak. Not now that I am still enjoying myself. Not now that I am not ready to settle."

"Then when?!" He shouted. "Why? I will not tie you down. I will not control your every move Karen." His voice grew weak as it turned into sobs.

"I love you, but truth be told I can say that I am starting to get tired of all these."

"Tired of what Karen? That is bulls**t." He said angry with every single word.

"I am tired of hearing rumors about us, and those has already caused injuries on my reputation."

"What am I hearing from you? It was you who wanted to keep this a secret. Karen, I don't get the point in here." He said as he stood up and now he is looking down into my eyes.

"The point is that I don't want to marry you yet."

He looked away from me and I can see the hurt in his eyes. Then the ring of my phone interupted our argument.

"Excuse me." I said as I took the call from my manager and walked to somewhere quite far from him.

"Karen, I know you are taking a break now. But Oliver doesn't have a partner in this variety show that we are currently taping. Can you go?" I heard her voice and I know that I was the first person who came into her mind.

I don't want to leave Eris like this. But how about me? My dreams?

"Okay. I'll go po. Where is the location?" I asked.

"Oh you know in the same building as the new variety show." She said with relief in her voice.

"Okay I'll be there in a jiffy." And with that we said our goodbyes and hunged the phone.

I walked back to him. And hugged him but he didn't return it.

"I am sorry Eris but I have to leave."

He just stood there with a stern expression and said, "Of course, I am just the second option. Oliver and your career has always been your top priority. I should've known Karen, when you suggested that we keep this as a secret."

"Stop saying mad things Eris. Don't make me leave you like this, please?" I asked him as tears flowed down my eyes.

"Those aren't mad things Karen."

I just shook my head in disappointment and started to walk away.

"Go ahead, leave me alone. But once you go on and leave me. We are over."

That stopped me.

"Are you forcing me to choose?" I shouted as I faced him. His face bearing the same expression.

"Yes Karen, stay with me or leave?"

"You're hurting me." I said, and I know he heard me.

But I turned my back on him and left.

How could he say those things? How could he not understand me and my feelings?

Kuya Kiko was standing by the door of the car as I approached. "Karen, what happened?" He asked. Oh of course my mascarra has now run.

"Just an argument." I shrugged it off as he opened the door for me.

"Are you sure you want to leave?"

Yes. I have to be sure. Yes.

I just nodded and the engine roared to life.

Let's play a game. When all of the lives we lead can change. Let's play a game. Where nothing that we can see the same.

A familiar song played in the radio as Kuya Jerry exited the parking lot.

We'll find other pieces to the puzzle. Slipping out under the locks. I can show you how many moves to checkmate right now.

Yeah. Just like my relationship with Eris. We knew this was coming, but he tried to see through but I can't.

"Kuya can you change the music?"

He happily obliged, as he remarked the music was too glum and slow.

Maybe it's good bye. Maybe I have to let go.

After all those years.

Au Revior Eris.

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