Au Revior: Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

After the check up and tests I was soon released.

I quickly looked for Eris' room.

"Excuse me, where is the room of Eris Samaniego?" I inquired on the main station.

"Ma'am its on the left wing, room B-303." She said as she chews her gum, with boredom etched on her face. Good thing she didn't noticed me.

I quickly backed away, she might take a good look at me and recognize me.

The halls were quiet, lonely perhaps?

As I walked the hallways I tried to stay away from crowds, people might recognize me and hinder me from going to Eris.

And of course I don't want to cause a ruckuss.

I noticed a guy at the end of the hallway, he's wearing a batman shirt. But I can't get a good look at his face, because he is looking down at the hospital tiles.

This is supposedly Eris' floor.

I walked as sneakily as I could so I won't disturb him.

But as soon as I stopped infront of Eris' hospital room, he looked up and our eyes met.

I stopped dead on my tracks.


Why is he here?

I looked at his right side, and saw a girl lying in the hospital bed through the glass pane of her ICU.

She must be George.

"Why are you here?" Guilt and shock was etched in his voice.

"Me and a friend got in an accident." I said as I showed him my already tended wounds.

"I see." He said with nonchalance in his voice.

I nodded and turned to Eris' room, "Karen."

"What is it?"

"I'm sorry." He said with sincerity and warmth.

"I know, and I am sorry for being so misunderstanding. Of course she's your best friend. I should have understood because I also have one."

It feels so good to finally say those words.

"So where is the best friend?" He asked. Of course he wants a little talk.

"Inside this ICU." I said as I pointed the door.

"I'm sorry." I chuckled.

"It's fine, you didn't know it. I have to go visit him now." I said as I opened the door and left him.

I looked over the bed and saw him, is he lifeless? He is all bundled up in gauze. He is severely injured.

I walked to his side and held his hand.

"I am sorry for everything Eris, you loved me more than I could imagine. You were even willing to marry me but I am not enough for someone like you, can you hear me? If so I am very sorry. I am so selfish that I haven't thought of what you are feeling. How could you love someone like me?" Tears fell from my eyes and soon I was crying my eyes out.

But then the door opened and interupted my little speech.

"Karen!" A familiar voice called my name.

I quickly turned and saw his dad. "Tito Henry?"

"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked.

I simply nodded. Then the doctor that is with him made his way to Eris.

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