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I_Am_A_Music_Freak: Aw thank you so much ^^.   

herondaletotherescue: Thanks ^^ I hope you like this one, its especially long xD.

Guest: Thank you ^^.

Dancindonna: Hey, I had never heard of Quote till you mentioned it, but I use Wattpad. Same profile name for that :).

Jo: I know right *_*

Debatable-cerealkiller: LOL I would be just as suspcious, believe me. but Olivia and Steve won't be having any challenges for a while, though there is an incident in this chapter that kinda counts as one ^^. My Halloween was uneventful, we are not really big on celebrating it here xD. How was yours? :).

lovelybreath0735: Aww you are deadly sweet, thank you ;).

TenebrisSagittarius: This is a message, from the future, ooooo. Lol unless you already reached this chapter, then this is awkward .. Aw thank you so much, you are too sweet. I am honored to have made your day ^^. I hope you like the story so far ;).

Allison: Thank you!

Kristybauer: Thank you so much for being the only one who reviewed this story on Inkitt xD. You are too sweet, seriously. I hope you like this chapter ^^. 

I hope you guys like this chapter. Man it was a killer to write. ITS FREAKING 18,500 words! couldn't even process it. It was like wtf and had some weird glitch xD haha, oops. 

let me know what you lovelies think ;)


Kevin stirred his mug of milk coffee on the kitchen counter within the staff office. Steve sat at the round, lunch table. He was comfortably leaned back into his chair while reading the that morning's newspaper.

Agent Odell was lost in his thoughts, cradling his cup of Joe in his deft hands. He was thinking about how he had no time to pursue his lead on his lost sister. Fury had been handing him case after case. Not that they weren't interesting, he just had a bigger priority when he first joined SHEILD. Now that he had made his way to the top and received field Agent status, the busier he was.

His gaze vaguely skimmed over the headlines of the back of the newspaper. He eyes suddenly widened when he read the time stamp.

November 25th Monday.

"Can you believe in another few days it will be the end of November? Crazy." He voiced his disbelief and then took a sip of his coffee.

"Yeah it's been a pretty eventful month." Steve mused thoughtfully while folding the newspaper and then placing it on the surface of the table.

"No doubt, how is Olli?" Kevin asked curiously. The agent was amused by how easily a smile slipped on to the Captain's handsome face.

"She is good." He murmured dreamily. "Great."

"Aw." The agent cooed causing Steve to smile shyly. Kevin figured Steve and Olivia had already been on several dates, considering Rogers was in New York every weekend.

"Where did you guys go on your most recent date?" He inquired inquisitively

"We went to the aquarium." Steve responded, eager to share details of his fun day with her. "Olli loves Otters. There was this one called Jacob, this tiny thing he can give high fives and does these spins, real cute."

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