
489 16 14

heroherondaletotheresuce: haha, thank you so much. It was really fun to write about Thor, Darcy and Jane. ^^
Amalieaunstrup: Once again, you are the best :D ;) sexy thang.
Jo: Thanks :)

awesomesaurus: Aw thanks, always looking forward to your comments :D 

Guys thank you so much for all the praise, please keep it coming ^^




Steve ran one hand down his face while his other hand held his black mug full of coffee.

Strong, black coffee.

Steve Roger's was sleep deprived and not for his usual PTSD reasons. The nightmares were still there, they just weren't there last night...

Last night he had a dream about Olivia Thorne and it made him feel... very guilty.

The dream began ordinarily enough and then somehow there was a bed and she was on it and neither of them had any clothes-

Steve willed himself not to think about it again and took a nervous gulp of his hot coffee. He stood next to the kitchen sink in the break room. The room was fairly empty except for the occasional agent that rushed into pour themselves a cup of coffee before scurrying out.

He has had dreams like this before. Once about his school teacher that was a real sweet heart to him. Then a ex girlfriend of Bucky's, but that had no real emotional attachment. Then of course, Peggy Carter, which was awkward enough during war time.

And now, Olivia Thorne. The fact that he was aware of his obvious feelings made the situation more...real.

On top of that, he hadn't been able to stop thinking about her. It would start as a simple remembrance, like something funny she had uttered. That little reminiscence would lead to him thinking about her smile, the way her honey brown eyes light up when she laughs. Her dark hair that only curled at the ends, her effortless enthusiasm about anything and the-

He was doing it again.

Steve sighed for the second time that hour. He wondered how he was going to get through the day without internally musing about Olivia Thorne.

Does she have a middle name? It seems pretty incomplete to not have a middle name, not that she isn't a complete person which she is. A completely wonderful person, with a great sense of humor, beautiful eyes and such-

"Why are you sighing?" Natasha's abrupt question ( and appearance) startled the Captain.

"I wasn't." He denied a little too obviously.

"Yeah you were." She countered invading his space."Why are you denying it?"

Her iridescent gaze narrowed suspiciously on him.

"What is up with you today Steve?" She demanded, Steve tried not to sweat nervously.

"I didn't get much sleep, I was watching a movie." He answered trying his best to seem nonchalant.

"Adjusting to the media obsessed ways of the twenty thirteen eh?" Kevin appeared with a manila folder at hand. He was grinning handsomely, standing between them in his business suit.

"What movie did you watch?" He asked looking to the Captain.

"Howls Moving Castle." Steve answered reluctantly.

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