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Here is that chapter I spoke about. You know the one I said I'll publish last week...but didn't.

:/ Sorry about that. I was busy. I'll start my replies now! :D

Guest: thanks! (and it was you who had reviewed before) their time will come, dont worry ;)

MidnightCoffeeAddict: Aw thank you sooo much you are too sweet, I am uber happy you are loving the story :D. What's your favourite scene? :)

Heroherondaletotheresuce: Thanks! Yeah that was fun to write I hope you like this chapter :3.

Jo: Well soonish? I know I keep dragging it and keep promising it will be soon but there is a lot more to write before they do but I can promise it will be in this arc of the story, if you know what I mean xD.

Kristybauer7: Yeah I want a cinnamon roll too. I think I was craving them so much that I hoped that writing about it will make it a reality. Haha sadly it was not :( Sam is my cinnamonroll! I love him so much .

Amalieaunstrup: I know I am conflicted too. I ship Nat/Steve and Nat/Bucky. I believe we have discussed this before and I mentioned I was losing my mind xD. Actually! I was thinking about including a scene later on where Olivia gets super stressed over the Winter Soldier ending with Cap in the hospital. I'll get to it once this is done :). Thanks again and you are my muuuuse.

Kaayrakoi: Aw thanks and thanks again for being kind about my errors. I check as much as I can but after all I am only human, you were really sweet about it though :) Much appreciated.

Mistyworld: Here is moooore :D

Thanks for all the reviews and keep em coming ;)



Steve was pretty sure he had the biggest smile on his face as headed to work that morning. But he tried his best to seem like the stoic SHIELD officer he was supposed to be. He did loiter in the apartment after having breakfast with Olivia, it was hard to leave the flat, but the thought of returning to her, alleviated him.

He went through the usual training rounds with the Agents. Had a meeting with Fury then one with the S.T.R.I.K.E team and then it was lunch time. He hoped Olivia found something to eat. He did have some leftover Chinese takeout.

He couldn't eat his lunch, not all of it anyway. The insides of his stomach felt like it was fluttering. He couldn't stop feeling giddy at the fact that Olivia was in town, in his apartment. He concluded that a cup of warm coffee should help sooth his senses. He approached the empty coffee station within the kitchen and then began to pour himself a mug. He began to wonder what she was up to. He wanted to call and check up on her.

"Wow Cap' you are really out of it today."

Steve was startled out of his thoughts by the sudden appearance of Agent Kevin Odell. The man was smiling brightly while standing beside him, at the corner where the counters met. He seemed almost smug while leaning against the edge of the marble counter. His arms were folded across his chest, the pull and tension to his suit emphasized his strapping arms.

"What do you mean?" Steve inquired innocently.

"I was singing and you didn't even notice." Kevin stated dejectedly.

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