Roller Coaster

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heroherondaletotheresuce: Haha, well thank you ^^. Well they wont be getting together till another three chapters I think? I hope I didnt spoil too much but I am just saying that's how long it might take, in case I tend to extend it a little :/ Sorry.
Jo: Aw thank you and yesh he is :3, but the last batman movie was a disappointment but his face did make up for it ^^. I know right, I'm exciited to see how you guys react to them getting together...eventually.
texasreader: Aw thank you so much. Eight chapters in one go, lol I did that once for a Sherlolly story, although that was 21 chapters I think? Um the M chapters are not for a while you cheeky thing. Hopefully you can wait till we get there ^^.
kaayaraoki: Wow thank you sooo much you are too kind. Hahha writing Steve and Thor's interactions was super fun. There will be more Avengers involvement in the upcoming chapters. In fact the whole Avengers team will unite for a... "intervention". ;). Thanks again and please review this chapter :).

Uchiha-Arandel: Your comments were a fun read xD thank you so much. I'm strangely happy that Norah's dead made you cry ^^.
Kristybauer: you are a angel as always ^^ thank you so much!

I'm so happy you guys are enjoying this story, cause it would be reaaal awkward otherwise. You will be happy to hear that I am meticulously working on the Bucky story. The plot still has a few holes to fill but I'll get to writing it for all the reviews you guys, keep them coming :D.


Steve woke up to the appetizing smell of butter sizzling on a frying pan. But what really opened his eyes was the rays of sunlight that blinded him for a moment. He allowed his eyes to adjust to his surroundings, it took him a moment to realize he wasn't in his home.

He rose up from the mysterious surface he slumbered upon, only to discover it was Olivia's couch. He had fallen asleep sometime during the movie last night and from the plaid red and blue blanket that was wrapped around his waist, he guessed Olivia had covered him up.

As he sat up Steve struggled to remember when he fell asleep. It was a blur after Olivia had played the third movie. He felt guilty for being unconscious for the last part of the trilogy and hoped that Olivia didn't hold it against him.

Speaking of, he looked to the direction of the kitchen. Surely enough there she was. Olivia had her back turned to him as she handled the pan on the stove with one hand, while the other held a flat, black spatula.

Steve sat on the edge of the couch, watching her for a moment and smiling at the sight. She was dressed in her clothes from the night before. Her hair was a tousled, adorable mess and he could hear her humming to a distant tune on the radio. It was a song he did not recognize and it was playing very softly, he knew it was so she didn't disturb his slumber.

He was distracted by a strange, warm friction against his foot. He looked to find Anakit, purring and rubbing up his left leg. His long, black tail wrapping around the Captain's limb like a vine. He smiled down at the animal and reached down to scratch at the top of its head.

Anakit eagerly accepted his affectionate petting, his small round face curving up into his touch. Steve stroked the cat one last time before rising up to his feet.

Olivia was yet to notice him and was still busy at the stove. He quickly folded the blanket neatly and placed it over his pillow before making his way to her.

Olivia turned to face him just as he arrived at the breakfast counter.

"Good morning El Capitaaan."She greeted, beaming at him.

"Morning." He murmured back, indolently. He watched as she quickly snatched two slices of bread from the loaf wrapped in plastic before scurrying back to the stove.

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