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kristybauer7: I know he is too cute. Olivia addresses that in this chapter so that should please you xD. Aw thank you so much, and yes I am feeling much better. Still have a slight cough but it should clear up this week, hopefully ^^.

lovelybreath0735: Sweetheart your English is a lot better than you think. I am bilingual myself so don't stress it ;) you will get around to improving :). Thank you so much! I hope you like this chapter :D.

Debatable-cerealkiller: No problem :D Yesss I will be needing your help when I eventually get to writing that particular chapter ^^. I'll keep you updated, thanks again and I hope you like this chapter too :3

Jo: Awwww well they meet again here, briefly though xD. Thank you!!

dancindonna: OMG thank you so much, I love writing about them ^^.

supesfan18: lol I was just about to update when I saw your review, thank you :D.

Hey guys, new chapter this week as promised. I'll be releasing the next chapter next week on my usual day. The next chapter is a bit of a fav so yay ^^. Please keep the reviews coming :)




Despite the grand ebony length from the outside, the limo was surprisingly compact within. Steve and Thor sat a little cramped within the car. Darcy and Jane were seated comfortably. The intern was chatting rapidly on some topic with Jane. The doctor was listening and occasionally responding. The two women were dressed formally in expensive, dresses, adorned with sparkling jewellery.

Steve on the other hand, despite being well dressed and groomed, found his black Italian suit even more restricting. He had matched the outfit with a simple white shirt and dark purple necktie.

"Where does young lady Olivia reside?" Thor abruptly asked from beside him, distracting the Captain from his nervous state. The handsome demigod was dressed just as neatly. His dark suit was paired with a velvet blue vest beneath, the colour brought out his eyes.

"Just at the building on that turn there." He noted glancing out the window.

"Her apartment is just the cutest, I wish I could stay there forever." Darcy chimed in longingly pressing her hands together as a dazed wonder took over her eyes.

"Lady Darcy spoke very eloquently about her outing with your love." Thor noted factually with a large smile. Steve nodded aware of Darcy and Olivia spending time together.

"Your love?" Darcy echoed, bewildered by Thor's choice of words. Her eyes widened, piecing together facts from Steve's blushing face alone.

"Oh my gosh, are you guys dating?"

"Well yeah, it happened just last week though." He admitted abashedly.

"That is just the cutest, congrats!"Darcy exclaimed and then fixated a stern look onto Thor and Jane.

"You two owe me twenty." She reminded firmly.

"I was hoping you would not remember our wager."The Norse God grumbled disconsolately.

"Well you thought wrong, hand it over big guy." The intern demanded, gesturing her open palm at them. Jane rolled her eyes and reluctantly placed a ten dollar bill on Darcy's palm, followed by Thor's contribution. The intern grinned maniacally and stuffed the notes into her silver clutch purse.

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